Chapter 30

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Ciaran's P.O.V.

I woke up feeling refreshed. I got a good night sleep with no nightmares. I was ready for tonight. The Ball didn't start until 7pm and we wouldn't be getting ready until an hour or two before so I just wore everyday clothes down to breakfast. It was difficult to act depressed this morning. Andromeda had to constantly nudge me when ever she saw me with a smile on my face. I am pretty sure my ribs and shins are bruised from her kicks under the tables and elbows to the sides. During breakfast I didn't eat again. Andromeda made a plate and placed a warming and sticking charm on it so that the food would stay warm and wouldn't fall off the plate while in her purse. After breakfast we met up in an abandoned classroom and she handed me my plate so I could eat breakfast. 

We had the day to ourselves to do whatever but I didn't want to constantly be acting depressed so I stayed in my room thinking about Draco and smiling. With my thoughts pleasantly occupied, the time just flew by and the next thing I know it is time to get ready for the Ball. I rush to the boys bathroom and take a shower. After my shower I try to tame my hair but I give up after about 20 minutes of no luck. I get dressed in my finest robes. Well not my finest robes but Harry Potters finest robes. I have much better back home. 

Ron is complaining to anyone who will listen, which is no one, about the clown outfit his mother calls dress robes. They are hideous and he looks ridiculous in them. We all try not to laugh because we don't want to deal with his anger directed at us. 

After we are all ready, we head down stairs to meet the girls. We then escort the girls to the main entrance. Professor McGonagall approaches us. "Oh, you all look just lovely. Who is with whom?" she asks.

"Oh we are not with our dates yet. We are meeting them here." Andromeda informed her. Just then the main door opened and in walked a troop of students from both Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. "Here are our dates now." she said smiling.

Professor McGonagall looked like she was sucking on one of Dumbledore's lemon drops. "Why did you not find dates among yourselves?" she asked.

Andromeda looked at her like she was crazy. "That would be like going on a date with my brother. Besides it is good to get to expand our friendships to other schools. So we sent out letters and got replies and have, in a sense, blind dates." 

"Oh Dumbledore is not going to like this at all."

"Well there is nothing he can do about it. He said we could invite anyone we wanted. So we did. He can't go back on his word now. Minutes before the Ball begins. What would the other schools say? What would the parents say? What would the Newspapers say?" With that Andromeda approached her date and took his offered arm to be escorted into the Great Hall that was turned into a ball room.

I just stood there through the whole exchange with my mouth hanging open. Suddenly someone approached me and lifted my chin to close my mouth. "You should keep your mouth closed, Love. Unless you want to catch flies."

I slapped the guys hand away. "I don't know who you think you are but I will have you know I am a happily engaged man, and I don't appreciate strangers manhandling me." 

Rather then getting the message and or walking away, the guy laughed. "I am glad to hear you are happily engaged, and that you don't let just anyone touch you. However, Love, I am your polyjuiced Fiancé. Did you forget I was coming in disguise?" the guy smirked and it was definitely a Draco smirk.  

"Merlin's beard, I forgot. I mean I knew but I didn't know. I mean... Oh never mind. Hi." I smiled and gave him a hug.

Draco laughed. "Hi. You ready to get this show on the road and do some dancing?"

"I don't know how to dance."

"Don't worry I will teach you."

He offered me his arm and I took it. He led me into the Great Hall and the first thing I noticed was Dumbledore sitting on his kingly throne of a chair. However he looked different. He looked older somehow and there was no sparkle in his eye. He still had that infuriating smile on his face, but the spark was gone.

I shook my head, thinking I was imagining things. We watched the couples dancing and eventually joined them. I just let myself go and followed Draco where he lead and It was amazing. It was like we had been dancing together all our lives when in fact this is the first time I have ever danced. 

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