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When the Aurors arrived, they were confused about this whole "citizens arrest" thing but they listened to the charges, received the evidence and arrested Dumbledore. They placed him in a cell at the Ministry of Magic. He was shortly joined by Mrs. Weasley, Ron Weasley, and several of the Order of the Phoenix members, for their own actions involved in these crimes. It was found out not everyone knew what was going on. The ones who didn't know were furious with Dumbledore for what he allowed to happen to Harry Potter and how he deceived the world into thinking Harry Potter was still alive. 

The members of the order who knew what was going on and either did nothing, or worse, helped out, were sentenced to Azkaban Prison. Dumbledore, Mrs. Weasley and Ron Weasley where also sentenced to Azkaban, however the Goblins came forth and stated they owed money to the bank and needed to work off their debt in the mines. So it was determined that they would first go to the mines until their debt was worked off and then go to Azkaban Prison. Dumbledore never left the mines. 

The Aurors then altered the evidence to remove any mention of magic or the magical community, and then they sent the evidence to the muggle authorities so they could arrest and charge the Dursley's with child abuse, murder and accessory to kidnapping. All three where found guilty on all counts. Dudley, being a minor, was sent to a boys home, while Vernon and Petunia got life in prison.

Professor McGonagall took over for Dumbledore as Headmistress. Professor Snape was her second in command. The rest of 6th year was a bit of a shock for some students. They were dealing with the fact that Harry Potter was actually dead and that Hermione never existed. After everything was over, Andromeda dropped her glamour as well and refused to hide anymore. The fact that they actually had two snakes in the lions den did not make the other lions happy. Ciaran and Andromeda spent most of their evenings in the Chamber of Secrets.  

The beginning of 7th year Ciaran and Andromeda were resorted to Slytherin and things went a lot smother from then on. 7th year flew by. Andromeda was asked to take over the position of Transfiguration Professor, as Headmistress McGonagall wanted to concentrate on running the school. Draco was asked to Apprentice under Professor Snape until he himself became a Potion Master, at which point he would take over the position of Potions Professor. Professor Snape never really liked teaching and preferred to make and experiment with his potions. Neville was asked to take over for Professor Sprout, who wanted to retire. 

Luna was asked to take over for Professor Trelawney who was found to be a fake. If Dumbledore had a real Seer in that position they would have found out about his plan from the beginning and he couldn't have that. They tested Luna and discovered that all the crazy stuff she would say was because she was an untrained seer and she didn't know how to communicate what she knew, so she just did the best she could. They trained her up, and after she graduated, she became the Divination Professor. 

Ciaran was asked to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. After much discussion, with his dad, Draco, Remus Lupin, Madam Pomfrey, and Professor McGonagall, it was decided that Tom would remove the curse from the position so whoever holds the position can stay in it longer then a year. Remus Lupin would take the position again, because Ciaran was tired of fighting. Besides being a submissive of the pair he never really liked fighting to begin with. The reason Madam Pomfrey was involved in discussions was because it was brought up that she was interested in retiring soon, and Ciaran had an interest in Healing. So it was decided that Ciaran would train under her to become a healer and when he was ready she would retire. 

With Draco studying under Professor Snape and Ciaran studying under Madam Pomfrey right after graduation, they were not able to plan their wedding. It was decided to wait until after the training was done but before they officially start their duties to get married. After all, technically they are still in school. 3 years later and Andromeda realizes that they still have not started to plan so she subtly started asking them about there likes dislikes and dreams for their wedding. With the information gathered, she, Pansy, Pomona and Minerva secretly started planning the perfect wedding for the two gentlemen. 

Ciaran and Draco were starting to get discouraged. They had been informed that their training would be done about the same time. Ciaran would finish on Monday, and Draco on Thursday.  Starting that Friday they had 2 months off before they started their new jobs. There was no way they could plan their dream wedding in 2 months. Even if they could it would take the entire 2 months to do it so no honeymoon. Ciaran was so stressed he didn't know what to do and just started crying. Draco understanding what he was going through just held onto him tight and rubbed his back. By Thursday evening Ciaran had calmed down somewhat. Suddenly, all of their friends showed up at their door. The girls said they were staying their with Ciaran and the guys said they were taking Draco out. They were also told to say goodnight to each other because they were not going to see each other again until the next day. 

The guys went to a bar and had a few drinks and then went to Blaze's place to play games and swap stories and such. Just basically had a good time trying to get Draco to relax. For the most part the succeeded. 

The girls pampered Ciaran. They gave him a manicure and pedicure minus the nail polish. They basically gave him a Wizards Spa treatment to get him to relax. It worked wonders. Except for the fact that he couldn't stop talking about Draco or Kovus, he wasn't tense or crying at all. 

Friday morning and Ciaran is looking for Draco, but is told he can't see him yet. Ciaran starts to get worried and a little mad asking why. They tell him that he can see Draco and Kovus in a couple of hours but first he has to go to Hogwarts. They apparate to Hogwarts and head to one of the guest rooms. Ciaran asks again if he can see Draco. He is told first  jump in the shower and get ready.

"Get ready for what?"

"You will see. Now go take a shower."

He finally gives in and takes a shower. When he comes out it is to find all the girls in beautiful dress robes of many colors. He then notices that there are 6 of them one in Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. The colors of the rainbow. The colors he always wanted his bridesmaids to wear.  Then he spots, hanging up on the door, White dress robes. The most beautiful White dress robes he has ever seen. Then it clicks. This is his wedding day. 

The girls help him into his dress robes and hand him a boutique of white roses. He looks and sees that each of the girls has a boutique of roses the same color as their dress robes. 

"How did you guys know?"

"Andromeda has her way of getting the information she needs when she needs it." Pansy said with a wink. 

Andromeda just blushed. 

There was a knock at the door. One of the girls opened the door to allow Ciaran's dad into the room. He took in the sight before him and smiled. "It is time. Are you ready my son?"

"Yes Dad. I am ready."

One by one the girls made their way out the door in the correct order for the rainbow. Dad and I followed behind Andromeda who was dressed in Purple. When Andromeda walked through the doors to the Great Hall the doors shut behind her. Ciaran looked at his dad confused. Tom just smiled and said "Be patient." Ciaran just huffed and turned back to the door. 

Finally the doors opened and Ciaran's father started walking forward. As they walked down the aisle he realized the attendance wasn't huge. It was intimate just like he would want it. The people in attendance are exactly who he would have invited.  Then he noticed the groomsmen. All in Black dress robes with a sash. The sash of each one was a different color to match the dress of the Bridesmaid he was assigned to. Ciaran's dream wedding. He looked up at Draco. Handsome as ever in gorgeous black dress robes. A big smile on his face. Not a smirk. A smile. When Tom and Ciaran reached the front, Tom placed Ciaran's hand into Draco's and said, "I am trusting you with my most precious possession."

After Tom sits down, Draco turns to Ciaran and says, "They planned our dream wedding. You know what this means right?" Ciaran looks confused and shakes his head slightly. " It means, 2 month honeymoon." Draco says wiggling his eyebrows. Ciaran laughs. Yes life was perfect.

the end.

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