Chapter 19

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Ciaran's P.O.V.

Time flies when you're having fun. Although, it was an annoyance, The Flaming Chicken group have been keeping a close eye on us. Multiple meetings had been canceled. Weasel was now casting Andromeda and I dirty looks, all the time. 

It was time for potions. As always, Dray and I worked together. Long ago we had forgotten to pretend we hated each other, so people tended to look at us strangely during the class. Today was no different.

We were brewing Love Potion Antidotes, and I was finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate with all the staring. Our potion was now a light purple as it should be, when, all of a sudden, a loud boom sounds through the class. We all looked over where the cloud of smoke was thinning and, of course, there was Weasel and Crabbe (who, by the way, looked absolutely pissed at the weasel). 

Snape, without even looking over took ten points from Gryffindor. I suspect Weasley had been too busy glaring at us to notice he had added the wrong ingredient. I chuckled under my breath.

"What's so funny Potter?" Dray drawled.

"What's it to you Malfoy?" I shot back, he actually smirked. Potions ended all too soon. Next we had transfiguration.

Today we were starting the doubling charm. I heard Mom had enchanted Hufflepuff's cup to begin doubling non-stop if anyone who intended to destroy it, got to close. I sat down next to Andromeda, front and center, Weasel was behind us. Obviously glaring at the two of us. Andromeda naturally learned the spell weeks ago, but never fully succeeded in casting it.

"Today we shall be learning the doubling charm. This charm will not affect books published after 1938 where they were spelled not to respond to the charm. It also does not recreate objects of value. All imitations are essentially worthless, yet identical. All artifacts and objects of such value have also been enchanted like the books.  Now, Miss Granger, can you please tell me what the incantation is?" Andromeda beamed.

"Geminio." She stated.

"Correct, five points for Gryffindor." Professor McGonagall turned to us, " you all heard her, begin." Wands were raised and incanting began. I, of course, knew the trick. There was a movement to do. Just like with the levitation charm. Simply flicking the air as if you were tapping it.

"Stop that. You're saying it wrong." I imitated Andromeda from first year, just for shits and giggles.


"No." I giggled "You need to move your wand properly though. I discovered it completely on accident." I told her. The class naturally eager to learn to do the spell (probably to copy homework), turned towards us.

"I don't believe you." I scoffed. First I just pointed my wand.

"Geminio", nothing happened. "Now watch Weasley, you might learn a thing or two." He scowled. I lightly tapped the air in front of the teacup I was given, "Geminio" and a perfect duplicate appeared, even sporting an Identical chip on the rim.

"Good Mr. Potter, thirty points to Gryffindor." Professor McGonagall smiled. I grinned. 

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