Chapter 28

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Ciaran's P.O.V.

After the meeting, I felt better. Knowing Draco was alive and safe was a big relief. I still missed him and was still concerned about not being able to feel our bond. However, bond or not I still loved him. 

Potions was harder because I was the only one with no partner. Snape would occasionally walk by my table and whisper hints to me so low no one else could hear. With his help I was able to finish the potions. I was very grateful for his help.

About 3 days before the Yule Ball, I was in the Great Hall for Dinner when I could have sworn I saw Snape put something into Dumbledore's drink. Dumbledore was busy talking to McGonagall.

"What are you looking at?" Andromeda asked me.

"Maybe nothing. It's just that I thought I saw Snape put something in Dumbledore's drink."

"I wonder what it could have been. We will just have to keep an eye on him and see what happens." Andromeda replies.

We both watched as Dumbledore reached for his goblet and took a drink. Nothing happened. He had emptied the goblet by the time dinner was over and still nothing. I looked at Snape and he looked a little upset, like he was expecting something and it didn't happen. I guess the potion didn't work. Whatever it was. 

We all went back to our Houses. When we got to Gryffindor Tower I watched as Ron immediately started a game of chess with Seamus. Andromeda and I sat on the couch doing our homework. I kept getting distracted wondering what that potion was. 

"Let's study in your dorm room. It is to crowded and noisy down here." Andromeda suggested.

So we got up and went upstairs to my dorm room. Which was, thankfully, empty. I was still amazed that the boys could not go up the stairs to the girls dorms, no matter how many different ways were tried, but the girls could go to the guys dorm room. As I started studying Andromeda suddenly pulled a plate out of her purse. I had forgotten she put an extension charm on it so she can put any and everything in it. She handed me the plate.

"Here is your dinner. Eat up. I put a warming charm on it so it should still be edible." Andromeda said. 

"Thank you. Without you doing this for me I would easily fall back into my starvation habit. I didn't realize how hard it would be to pretend to be depressed without actually getting depressed."   

"That's what friends are for. I would never let you starve yourself, and if you need to talk I am here for you."

I put the plate to the side and hugged her breaking done into tears.

"I don't know how much longer I can do this. I need Draco. He is my rock. I know he is alive, but he is not here and I need him here. I need my Draco to give me strength and confidence. I can't do this without him. I am so lost without him. Before at least I had that bond. When I was Harry Potter and I didn't remember him as being my mate, I still felt a bond that was giving me strength to go on. Now that bond is gone and I don't know if it will ever come back. What if he finds someone else? We don't have a connection any more. He could very easily find someone better then me. Someone who is worthy to be with him." I can't talk any more because I am crying so hard I can hardly breath. 

"Shhh, it's ok. Calm down. Take deep breaths." Andromeda kept repeating as she petted my hair with one hand and held me tight with her other arm. I eventually started calming down and my breathing was now under control. "That's it, nice and even. Ok. Now for your concerns. There is only three more days until you see Draco again. I know you can handle that. Possibly even sooner then that if another meeting is called before the Yule Ball. As for the bond, we don't know if it is gone for good or not. It could come back. I am hoping it does. However, bond or not Draco loves you with all his heart. He has since you were little kids. The whole time you were missing, he ached for you, and before you say anything no it was not because of the bond. Granted the bond did allow him to feel all the pain you went through when you went through it, but other then that it did not effect his heart and mind and all he could think about was you and wondering where you were. When were you going to come home. He loves you and only you. You don't have to worry about him finding someone else. Besides you are the Dark Prince what makes you think you are not worthy of him?" She asked me.

I giggled and looked at her shyly. "Now eat. That's an order." She said. I laughed and started eating. After I finished my dinner, we finished our homework and then went down to the common room to socialize. Me of course acting depressed and lonely.

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