Chapter 11

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Andromeda's P.O.V.

Ciaran and I walked back to the common room under the cloak. When we arrived at the portrait, I said the password, "Abstinence." The Fat Lady opened up and we walked inside. Ron sat on the couch. As we remove the cloak, he sees us and shouts, "WHERE THE BLOODY HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!!!!"

"Peeves." I lied smoothly. He seemed to buy it. He is so think, all the time. "Well I'm going to bed, classes tomorrow." I walked up the stairs to my dorm and collapsed into bed, without changing. I fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning I woke up at the same time as the other girls in my dorm. Ginny walked in a moment later, just as the other girls left for the showers.

"Hi Hermione." she greeted.

"Hello Ginny." 

"So you think Harry will be in love with me by the end of the year?" She asked. I grit my teeth but force a smile.

"Sure." Ginny squealed in excitement, I want to gag but I don't let myself. I quickly dress and head into the common room. Ciaran sat on the couch. "Where's Ron?"

"Breakfast. He didn't want to wait." Ciaran replied, slightly disgusted. I nodded. "So we started a new group. It's within Hogwarts. It's a lot like the Death Eaters." He told me.  "You could join if you want." I nodded and smiled immediately. He pulled a gold bracelet from his pocket.

"It's so pretty." I remarked.

"These bracelets are the mark of a member of the Founder's Circlet. Or Circlet for short." He told me. "If you want to make sure the wearer is a part of the Circlet, than you touch the bracelet and say 'Circlet'. The bracelet will glow if they are members" he explained. At that moment we arrived at the great hall. We sat down with Ron next to me and Ciaran across from us. 

Ron whispers quietly, "Dumbledore wants to see us after classes." I nod, we eat and head off to class. Potions with the Slytherins first. Ron groans, like always. Ciaran or Harry smiles. We enter the room and like always we sit down together.

Time Skip

Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Luna Lovegood, and Neville Longbottom all stood at the stone face of Slytherin. Ciaran, now without the glamour walked up to the face, spoke parseltongue and opened the entrance. Inside he instructed us, "Choose a weapon." Everyone smiled. I chose to use two silver twin daggers. Draco had a black sword. Neville a spear with a green point, shaped like a thorn. Luna also held a dagger. Blaise and Theo both had steel swords and Pansy held a bow and quiver. The room shifted. Animated targets appeared. "They will train you to use your weapons. Not all combat will be magical."

I told Ron that Harry and I were going to the library, he had simply nodded and began playing chess with Seamus. 

I walked up to my dummy, and it came to life. Training began.

Later Ron and I arrived at Dumbledore's office. We walked in after the gargoyle let us through. Dumbleduck was sitting behind his desk. Ron and I walked over to him. He looked towards us.

"Ah, there you are." He greeted.

"Hello Professor."

"How are things going with young Harry?"

"Things are going well...."


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