Chapter 21

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Ciaran's P.O.V.

It's been difficult since Kovus went home with my parents, but I know he is safer there. My gut tells me the Chamber is not as secure as I would like, however, I don't know why. If I did I would fix it. Even with Kovus safe I still have the uneasy feeling that something is going to happen. The rest of the circlet is on high alert because they trust my feelings. 

Suddenly, I don't feel Draco anymore. It is like our bond is turned off. I haven't felt this alone since I was reunited with him. I ran towards the Quiditch pitch. His practice should have ended a little while ago. 

I ran into Andromeda on the stairs on the way to the library. "Something is wrong. I can't feel Draco. It is like someone turned off our bond like a switch."

"That seems odd. Where was the last place you knew him to be?"

"He was at Quiditch practice, but that should have ended by now we were supposed to meet in the dungeons to go over potions."

"Let's head in that direction and see if we can find him."

We ran off down the stairs, but when we reached the entrance of the school we saw a body on the ground. I started to hyperventilate. Tears were running down my face without me knowing. I walked closer slowly saying, "it can't be, it can't be". As I reached the body I fell to my knees. I was so conflicted. My mind was saying it was Draco because I can see that it is him, but my creature says it is not my beloved because it doesn't smell like him. I tell my creature to shut up he doesn't know what he is talking about. The difference in smell is death. I begin to sob hysterically. 

Andromeda grabs my arm and pulls me up, "Come on. You can't be seen crying over him we have to go now." I am dead inside, I can't think, I just let her pull me where she will. She takes me to the Chamber. Other members are there because the bracelets let them know someone needed them.

Andromeda sat me in a chair and said, "Ciaran. I need you to listen very carefully to what I am about to say. That was not Draco."

"WHAT?" I Yell. "You think I don't know what my own mate looks like?" 

"Polyjuice," Andromeda continued. "It only looked like Draco. I did the test on the bracelet and it was fake, even though it looks exactly like his. I looked at the map, and it said the person that was with us was Jason Darson. Someone made this Jason Darson drink Polyjuice to look just like Draco, dressed him like Draco and then killed him."

I sagged in my chair. "My creature tried to tell me it wasn't him. That it didn't smell like him but I wouldn't listen.  So if that isn't Draco why can't I feel him and where is he?"

Andromeda opened her map and searched it. "I can't find him anywhere."

"So he could be dead somewhere else." I stated in despair.

"If they were going to kill him that would have been his body in the entryway. They wouldn't have gone through the trouble of polyjuicing someone just to kill him somewhere else." Cedric said with confidence. "No he is alive. We just need to find out where they are keeping him. Ciaran, you should contact your parents and fill them in on what is going on. The Death Eaters can start a search outside of the school grounds for him."

"Ok," I reply still feeling hopeless

Dumbledore's P.O.V.

"I know you are responsible for the change in Harry somehow. Now with you out of the picture he will go back to his weak pliable self that I can mold into my weapon. What? Nothing to say? Good because I don't want to listen to you anyway." I say laughing as I leave Draco tied and gagged on a bed in the attic of the Burrow.

Things will finally start going my way. 

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