Chapter 20

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Dumbledore's P.O.V.

The little brat is slipping further and further out of my control. I need to find a way to get him back in line. He thinks I am a fool and can't tell that he has become closer to that mini Death Eater Draco. I wonder if his blocks have been broken and he knows they are mates. That could be bad.

On the other hand that could be useful. If I eliminate Draco that should put Harry back into his depressive state and back into my control. A plan starts to form as the smile returns to my face. 

Ciaran's P.O.V.

I got notified that the twins needed a meeting. So I gathered my Lieutenants up and my parents came as well as Andromeda and the twins. "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. This meeting was called because Fred and George have some news."

"Thank you Ciaran,"

"All though we,"

"Are still working on,"

"The item you call,"

"A bug,"

"We have completed,"

"The map." They both grinned.

"Only those,"

"Wearing a Circlet Bracelet,"

"Will be able to see it."

"To anyone else,"

"It is a blank parchment."

"Amazing," I exclaimed. "You completed it that fast? Including adding the Forest and Chamber of Secrets?"

"Yes, we even,"

"Added the,"

"Tunnels and,"

"The Shrieking Shack." 

They handed the parchment to me. "There is only one?" I asked.

"You just need,"

"To do the," 

"Duplicating Charm,"

"To make as many,"

"Copies as you need."

"Brilliant." Draco stated.

"I don't see anything." my dad said.

"That is because,"

"You do not have,"

"A Circlet bracelet." the twins explained.

Copies were made of the map and handed out to the lieutenant's so they could give them to the Circlet members in there houses. I couldn't get rid of the uneasy feeling that something was going to happen and I started to worry about Kovus.

"Mom, Dad, I have a strange feeling that something is going to happen soon and I don't want Kovus here when it happens. Could you please take him home and take care of him for me?" I asked.

"Of course son. But are you sure you will be ok?"

"We have been training and are prepared but he is just a baby."

"I understand, just be careful. We just got you back. We don't want to lose you again."

"I will be careful." I assured them. "Draco, could you come with me to get Kovus?"

"Of course."

We went upstairs to the living room where Kovus was playing with the snakes. When he saw us he got up and ran to us. "Daddy! Papa!"

I picked him up. "Hi Kovus. You know that Daddy and Papa love you very much right?"

He giggled and said "Uh huh, and I wuv you too."

"You notice how there are more snakes here to protect you then usual?"

"Yeah. They say the bad man is up to something but that they and my Daddy and Papa will keep me safe." Kovus stated.

I was shocked. "You can understand the snakes?"

"Uh huh, we talks all the time."

"Okay," I say. I will have to register that later. "Well the best way to keep you save is to get you away from the bad man. So how would you like to go with Grandma and Grandpa?"

"But I won't see you and Papa."

"You will see us more often then when you use to go stay with Uncles Fred and George, because Grandma and Grandpa come to the school every now and then for meetings."

"Okay. I be big boy and go with Ganma and Ganpa." 

"I love you little man, and I am going to miss you loads." said Draco as he took Kovus from me to give him a hug.

"I wuv you too Papa." Kovus said hugging Draco as tight as he could.

"Okay lets go see Grandma and Grandpa."

"Can Celiana come with me?"

"Who is Celiana?" I asked

:I am: one of the smaller snakes came over and laid on my foot.

:We will have to talk to my father to see if he thinks his familiar will allow another snake in the house: I told Celiana.

I picked up Celiana and we headed down the stairs. 

"Father this is Celiana and apparently she and my son have gotten quite close."

:I am his familiar: Celiana interrupted. 

"Okay." I said. "Do you think Nagini would mind having another snake around the manor.

"Since she is the boys familiar, Nagini will have no choice but to put up with it, but to be honest I think she would enjoy having another snake friend around." Father stated.

Then Kovus shocked us all by speaking Parsltongue. :Doessss that mean Celiana can come with ussss?:

Father came to his senses first and answered :Yessss it doesss:

Kovus clapped with glee and reached for Celiana. He then hugged Draco again and did grabby hands for me to take him and gave me a big hug. In my ear he whispered "I wuv you Daddy. I going to miss you lots."

"I love you to Kovus. You be good for Grandma and Grandpa."

"I will"

I handed him over to Father and they took their leave and went home.

I turned into Draco's arms and broke down crying.

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