Chapter 31

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Ciaran's P.O.V.

The dance continued for hours. Finally the only People left where some teachers Dumbledore and the members of The Founders Circlet. I gave a look to Cedric and he left for a moment to open the door for the chamber so the adults could enter. When he came back in I knew it was time. We all stopped dancing and as one turned towards the head table where Dumbledore was sitting. 

The DJ must have figured something was up because suddenly the music stopped playing. Dumbledore looked up and noticed all the students looking at him. "What is the meaning of this?" He asked.

I stepped forward wand in hand but under my robe sleeve. "We The Founders Circlet do herby place you Dumbledore under arrest. You will be brought to the Aurors to await your trial with the Wizengamot."

He just laughed. "Very funny. You can't do that. First of all I am the Chief Warlock. Secondly you are just kids. Finally I didn't do anything wrong."

"As for you being Chief Warlock, as soon as you are arrested that title will be removed from you. As for you having done nothing, there are many charges against you, among them accessory to commit murder, kidnapping, child abuse and bank robbery. As for us being children, going by the muggles  thing that they call a Citizens Arrest, age doesn't matter. But if you really want an adult, we have them too." I smirked as we all turned towards the opening doors to admit the adults of the group.

Dumbledore's face turned white when he saw my father. I expected anger not fear. Something wasn't right here. What ever we have a job to do. I discreetly waved my hand to the Circlet. They proceeded to circle around the teachers. It was done in such a way that the teachers were in the circle before they knew what was happening.

Professor McGonagall straightened up regally and asked. "Who did Professor Dumbledore supposedly kidnap?"

Lord Voldemort stepped forward and stated, "My son, Ciaran Riddle."

"Who did Professor Dumbledore supposedly  abuse as a child?" she asked 

The twins stepped forward and said together, "Harry Potter." At that she looked at me as if she couldn't believe it.

"And who did Professor Dumbledore supposedly assist in murdering?" she asked.

At this I stepped forward and said, "Harry Potter!" 

"Well there you have it. All not true because he couldn't have killed you, you are standing right in front of us." She declared as fact.

Through this whole thing Dumbledore is frantically looking for a way out but realizes he is trapped. 

"I am not Harry Potter." I let my glamour drop for the last time. "I am Ciaran Riddle. He kidnapped me and put a glamour on me to look like Potter, because the idiots he placed Potter with and was paying them to abuse him, went a bit to far with the abuse and killed him. So he needed another Harry Potter. He then continued to pay them to abuse me. I didn't find out until 5 months ago when I went through my creature inheritance."

Professor McGonagall turned towards Dumbledore with her wand drawn. "How could you do that to a child? I will kill you for this."

"NO!" I screamed. "No killing. We are not monsters. We just want justice. We bring him to the Aurors. But first I want to know something. Why are you so afraid? You should be angry and raring to fight. But instead your acting like.......a muggle. Where is your wand?"

Dumbledore produces his wand. Showing it to me. It was definitely Dumbledore's wand. 

"Someone show me their map. I didn't bring mine." Andromeda approached with her map open. "Well this says it is Dumbledore so it is not someone else polyjuiced. Your shield can easily deflect an expelliarmus. Raise your shield. EXPELLIARMUS!" Dumbledore's wand goes flying. "I said to raise your shield." I yelled.

"He did. Or at least he tried. Let me check something."  Madame Pomfrey said. She then ran some scans over him. "Oh my, this is strange."

"What is? What is going on?" I ask.

"Well it appears as though his magical core has been bound. He has no magic."

"YES!!!" At the shout everyone turns to Snape to see him jumping in the air punching his fist up into the air screaming YES over and over again. 

"Yes, it did work it just needed some time." He states to know one in particular when he calms down.

I asked him. "That was what you put into his drink 3 days ago wasn't it?"

"You saw that?" he looked at me with one eyebrow raised. I just shrugged my shoulders.

Dumbledore looked totally dejected. He knew there was no hope. 

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