Chapter 7

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Draco's P.O.V.

It was midnight. I woke with an overwhelming sense of fear. I heard a knock on the door. I stood up and opened it to see Ciaran in tears. The tears streamed down his cheeks, his deep blue eyes are red and bloodshot, and his normally pale face was even paler. I felt my heart Shatter into millions of pieces. "Oh god, Ci," I gasped, pulling him into a hug. He began to cry even harder, "do you want to come into my room?" I felt him nod from underneath my chin. I brought him over to my bed and we sat down. I turned on the light, and Ciaran pulled himself close to me. "What happened Ci?" I asked softly.

"Nightmare." He mumbled.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, I heard the door squeak, and looked up to see Bella.

"What's going on? Are you alright Ciaran?" She asked.

"Ciaran had a nightmare." I told her. She sat down on Ciaran's other side and she pulled him into a hug. I took Ciaran's hand into mine. 

"I-I was- I was back w-with those muggles." I heard him say. I pulled myself closer to him so his back was against my chest and my cheek rested on his shoulder.

"You are never going back there. They can't hurt you. You're safe." I told him. Then there was a cry in the room next door. Ciaran jumped up not even before the next cry had been uttered, which was only half a moment later. I watched as he raced from the room, Bella and I rushed after him. He threw the door open and rushed to a crying Kovus. Kovus was wincing and crying as he slept. Ciaran took Kovus in his arms.

"Shhhhh, hey Ko. Ko." He whispered. "It's ok, Ko, You're ok. Wake up Ko." Kovus shifted around, "Please Ko, you're scaring me." Kovus opened his eyes, sat up, threw his arms around his father's neck and sobbed. The door was thrown open and Tom ran in. 

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Kovus had a nightmare about the muggles." Ciaran told us.

"And you did too?" Bella asked, sitting next to Ciaran. He frowned even more and nodded. Kovus was still shaking. 

"Do you want to come sleep with me tonight?" Ciaran asked him. He pressed a kiss to Kovus' forehead. The young boy nodded, Ciaran stood up and I walked with him back into Ci's room. We sat down on the bed. I pulled Ci into a hug once we sat down.

"Are you ok?" I asked him. He nodded.

"I know I'm not going back, it's just, I'm afraid of pretending to be Harry again. How am I going to be able to do it? I can't even do much with my power yet. And then Kovus is having nightmares. I don't know how I'm going to balance it all." He told me.

"You will have me, and the rest of the group to help, Plus Hermione."

"She betrayed me." he said angrily.

"Ciaran, Hermione is Andromeda. That was her mission. To go undercover as a muggleborn and spy on the light. She truly was Harry Potters friend. She returned the money right?" I soothed. He nodded. "She was just pretending so as to be able to spy on the light."

Ciaran's parents said goodnight and left. We laid back. Kovus slept in Ciaran's arms, while Ciaran was in my arms. We ended up falling asleep together.

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