Chapter 14

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Draco's P.O.V.

I cooed as Ciaran and Kovus fell asleep. I knew we had classes, but he looked so tired, I just let him sleep. He must think I didn't know about the nightmares, when the overwhelming sense of fear kept me awake at night. I honestly didn't know what to do. They were almost gone at home. He is sleeping so peacefully now. Maybe that is it. Maybe he sleeps better in my arms then he does alone. I know I do. Either way I just want him to come to me, when something is bothering him, for help. He looked so calm and peaceful , I smiled.

Two hours later, it was time for dinner. Kovus had woken and was playing on the carpet. He held up a toy unicorn. I smiled, "Papa! Wook!" He exclaimed excitedly. I beamed at him. The way he called me Papa as if I was his actual dad, overwhelming me in joy.

Ciaran stirred. He opened his currently emerald eyes. "What are you so happy about?" he asked groggily.

"Kovus does know I'm not his blood father right?" I asked. Ciaran nodded.

"Yeah. Why? He called you Papa again didn't he?" I smiled and nodded.

"Actually it is time for dinner, we should go." I told him. He frowned but nodded. He stood and stretched.

"Do you haf to go?" Kovus pleaded. Ciaran sat down next to him.

"Yeah, but I'll tell you what. After dinner I'll come down and we can play. Whatever you want to do. I'll even bring a few others for ya." Kovus smiled and nodded excitedly.

At dinner, I sat with Pansy and Blaise as usual. Again I looked up and down the table for possible recruits, Daphne Greengrass was on the list, as was Astoria, her little sister. I was thinking maybe Vince, Greg and Millicent, but I'm not fully certain. Ciaran would know for sure. I was also asked to help find a Hufflepuff recruit and I think Diggory might be a good fit. He did tie with Di for the tournament, and he is definitely trustworthy. I would need to ask him. 

Ciaran and a few others were going to the chamber to play with Kovus. I pulled out two pieces of parchment , and after writing a quick note on one spelled it to go to Ciaran.  He read it, and nodded. I quickly wrote on the second one. Meet me in the library after dinner tonight. I have a proposition for you. And spelled it over to Cedric. I watched him read it. His reaction was mixed but he didn't tear the paper up, so maybe he'll be there. I stood, and walked over to Daphne. I leaned down and whispered. "Meet me in the library after dinner. Bring your sister. I have a proposition for you both." 

I stood and walked out of the great hall. I walked into the library and sat down at a table after pulling out a book. About thirty minutes later, Daphne and her sister entered the room. the sat down across from me.

"What is it Draco? Daphne questioned.

"Hold on. One more might show up." I told her.

Astoria sighed, "Who?" she questioned. "Who are we waiting for?"

"Me I'm guessing." Cedric Diggory walked in, I nodded.

"Please sit." I told him. He sat. "As I said I have a proposition for you." I began, they all nodded. "A group has been formed within Hogwarts. A group on the side of the dark. It's leader is the Dark Lord's son. He decided to call the group The Founder's Circlet. Or Circlet for short. It is much like the Death Eaters, but not known. I am the lieutenant of Slytherin house, and I would like it if you could join us." I told them. 

Daphne and Astoria squealed, "Of course, we would love to join." The sisters squealed excitedly.

"I'm not a Slytherin." Cedric told me.

"I know, but we have no Hufflepuff lieutenant. You would most likely fill the role." I explained. 

He nodded. "I'll do it." he said. "I've never found the light to be good. They want to destroy wizarding culture. The dark wants freedom for all magical creatures. I side with them."

I nodded. "When Weasley isn't around, go to Harry Potter and say, 'I have sided with shadow.' He will understand what you mean."

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