Chapter 16

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Dumbledore's P.O.V.

The brat is up to something. I can feel it. Constantly disappearing and his relationship with Ronald has changed. I fear his potions and blocks are failing. I will have to look into it. There is also the issue with Granger. I fear her loyalty is changing. She isn't the same as last year. Perhaps it's a Death Eater under Polyjuice. Either way it is a problem. 

I jump when an owl arrives with a letter.  Opening it, I found it was from Gringotts. 

Mr. Dumbledore,

It has come to our attention that you have been taking sums of money from Mr. Harry Potter's vaults, without his consent. We are informing you that the total sum has been removed from your vaults with interest in order to pay back the debt, and that you are currently in debt. You owe this bank a large sum of money, and unless you manage to pay it back by the end of this coming March, you will be forced to pay back the debt working in the mines. We suggest you hurry. 


Ragnok, Head Goblin of Gringotts.

I froze. This was not supposed to happen. Had he found out? I quickly wrote letters to the members of the order. If this gets out, we will be doomed. I just pray it will be quickly resolved.

Weasel P.O.V.

The bitch. She was smart though, she had to remain close to him. Hopefully, she can convince him to be friends with me again. I walked through the halls. Looney was whispering to Cho Chang, Terry Boot and the Patil twins.

"-ded with shadow." she said, " then everything will happen on it's own." I stopped. What is going on?

"So Granger is in on it?" Boot asked.

"Yes, she is one of the founding members, but it's not a story for here." I kept walking. Something big was happening, but what was it? I noticed the next day they each had one of those bracelets. It was some sort of gang. I went to the Headmaster's office. After knocking on the door he allowed me inside.

"What is the matter Ronald?" he asked. 

"Something big is going on."

"I was aware. Please elaborate."

"I was walking through the halls yesterday, when I heard some students talking. It was about some sort of event. She said 'everything will happen on it's own.' then something about Mione being a founding member but that it wasn't safe to talk about it in the hallway." I explained.

"This could be a problem. Thank you Ronald. While you are here, I have some bad news."


"I won't be able to pay you for a while. It seems Potter has learned of the vault withdrawals and has taken measures. I also fear the blocks and potions on him are failing or wearing off."

"So I have to take is shit for free." I summarized. He nodded. "NO! I DON'T EVEN WANT TO DO IT PAID! LET ALONE FREE!"

"You will do it, and as soon as this is resolved, you will be paid. Simple as that." he glared. I seethed. This is not happening. I am sick of this. I refuse. I stormed out of the office.

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