Chapter 27

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Severus's P.O.V.

After hearing Ciaran's story, I knew I had to get revenge for him. No one messes with my family and gets away with it. I spent the last month before school started in my lab working on a special potion. I wanted it odor less and tasteless and non-lethal. I wanted it to do its job and that was it. With each attempt I got closer and closer but I still didn't have it by the time school started. 

At school I didn't have as much free time but ever free moment I had I worked on it. I made sure to put Draco and Ciaran together as a team in Potions class as well as Andromeda and Pansy. I keep thinking back to how I treated Ciaran when he was Harry Potter, and I get angry with myself. I can not believe I treated Ciaran that way. I know that I didn't know it was him but I still hate myself for it and vow to get back at Dumbledore to make it up to Ciaran. 

Dumbledore kept interrupting me. First he made me take a vow secrecy and then he asked for a bond sever potion and a polyjuice potion. He never told me why he needed them but because of the vow of secrecy I can't even tell anyone that he asked for them. However he was not specific in his request so I didn't give him the potion that severs bonds permanently. I gave him the one that lasts for 3 months. So who ever he plans to use it on will get there bond with their partner back again. 

I know what it feels like to be manipulated my that man. No. Not a man, a monster. He has manipulated me my whole life. His one mistake was talking me into joining the Death Eaters and getting the Dark Mark. That is the day I met one of my best friends. Tom Riddle. He showed me how I was being controlled by Dumbledore and opened my eyes to what a monster he is. I didn't want to go back to Hogwarts after that but Tom convinced me that it was best if I did and pretended to still be under Dumbledore's control. 

So here I am, many years later, still at Hogwarts and still doing what the monster says. However, now my eyes are open to his actions and I report them back to Tom. I have Dumbledore convinced that I can take care of myself no matter how bad a shape I come back in after "Voldemort punishes me". I don't get punished. I am just a good actor. A few glamour's to look beaten up and making my body shake and walk slowly. All an act. I report to Dumbledore and then go to my rooms to "recuperate". 

Enough of my ranting, back to the potion. It is almost done. It has to simmer for 3 more hours and then I will test it on my target himself. I just hope it works. I have a feeling Ciaran is planning something soon and I would rather him not have to fight Dumbledore. Only time will tell if it works.   

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