Chapter 10

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Ciaran's P.O.V.

I walked into the bathroom where the Chamber of secrets is hidden. Myrtle floated above her cubicle. "What are you doing here?" She questioned.

"Myrtle, I need you to understand a couple of things." I told her.

"Oh. Of course Harry." She exclaimed.

"There are going to be a lot of people coming and going from the chamber. NO ONE will know of this. you will tell NO ONE. Do you understand?"

"Of course. Could I ask why, Harry?" She questioned, though it sounded more like a whine.

"My group will be using this as a base of operations." I explained. "Anyone with a Bracelet similar to this, will be allowed to enter." She nodded before uttering a high pitched wail as she dove into her toilet. I uncloaked Kovus and brought him to the chamber's entrance.

"THERE you are Harry." I turned to see Hermione walk through the entrance.

"Hello Andromeda." She froze and looked at me wide eyed.

"H-how did you know?" she asked.

I took off the glamour, "Because I'm actually Ciaran Salazar Riddle." I told her. She almost tackled me in a hug when she saw Kovus.

"Is- is that a toddler?" she asked. I frowned but nodded.

"I was just about to alter the chamber to hide him in comfortably. Do you want to come with me?" I asked. She nodded. I turned to the sink. :I need a place for my group to meet. I need a home for my son. I need for my group to be able to come and go using these bracelets.: I told it. The snake carving bowed and glowed. The sinks parted and shifted into the ground revealing stairs. I heard a voice in parseltongue :They must show their bracelets to the snake and the chamber will then open. The guardians will not harm them.: I smiled. 

The stairs were stone yet cleaned and polished. I began my descent. Andromeda followed me. We reached the bottom. It looked almost completely different than the last time I was here. There were no bones or rocks or snake skin. It was a white marble entrance hall with green accents. A snake made of green stone was embedded into the floor. But at the end was a giant face of Salazar Slytherin. :Who goes there?: I heard a voice ask.

:I am the Lord to the house of Emrys and three of the founders and heir to the fourth founder. I seek a place for my group to meet and train as well as a living space.: I spoke. Next entered a huge basilisk, around 300 feet long and 20 feet high. It looked at me but the gaze didn't kill me. :Your gaze doesn't kill?: I asked.

:We have eyelids that block the gaze. I am Aria.: I nodded. We? I asked myself. Right on cue around fifty smaller basilisks entered. Some the size of boas others roughly half the size of Aria.

:You must be the guardians.:

"Umm... Ciaran? Mind filling me in?"

"One moment."

:Your wish has been granted,: Aria told me, I realized what she meant. The once stone mouth on the stone face, was now a wooden door. Over the water was a bridge. Next to the door was a stone with an indent in the shape of the bracelets. I smiled and thanked the basilisk. I grabbed Andromeda's hand with the one not holding Kovus, and crossed the bridge. I presented my bracelet to the stone and the wooden door opened. We walked through the door into a room very similar to the dining hall back home. With warm wooden floors and black furniture. the table could hold roughly 100 people. The difference though was the bookshelves covering the walls. Andromeda's jaw dropped. A small basilisk emerged.

:If you wish to access the apartment, there is a book called Home.: it said. It slithered over to a shelf in the corner and I found the red book. I puled it and the wall opened up to a spiral staircase, with lanterns in crevices on the wall. We started up but didn't get very far before,

"Daddy?" Kovus had woken, I looked at him and smiled, he looked around and then at Andromeda. "Who dat?" 

"That's Andromeda. She is Draco's sister." Kovus smiled.

"Hello, What's your name?" Andromeda asked him.

"I, I'm Kovus." He told her. She looked at me.

"Do you want me to hold him for a bit?" I nodded.

"Thanks." I handed Kovus to her and kissed his forehead. We had reached the top. It seemed to be a living room and dining room. A long table in the back, and a wood floor, with a carpet in the middle of the floor. Brown leather couches were placed around the coffee table. A fireplace across from the couches was crackling. 

A hallway led to bedrooms. A master and two guest rooms. One of the guest rooms was converted into a kids room for Kovus. Just across the hall from mine. It was a nice size, with a twin bed in a corner with green and white covers. There was a window over looking the forest. The floor was a light colored wood and there was a small table and chairs. There were shelves with children's books, both wizard and muggle. There was also a dresser. I smiled and walked into my room. It was a bit bigger then Kovus's with a king sized bed that had green and white blankets and the window overlooked the quidditch pitch. I found a dresser and closet, I smiled.

"This is amazing." Andromeda gasped.

I took Kovus from her and made sure I had his attention. "Kovus, I need you to promise me you will NEVER exit the pipes."

"I pwomise." He declared.

"Alright Kovus, time for bed." I brought him into his room and placed him on the bed. "I won't be here when you wake up. If you ever need me, just tell the snakes. They will come find me and bring me to you." I told him. He nodded sleepily.

"Ok Daddy." I kissed his forehead and let him sleep. I walked back to the meeting area. I found a smaller basilisk there.

:If anything happens to Kovus, you must come get me right away.:

:Of course Master.:

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