Chapter 24

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Ciaran's P.O.V.

After my fire call with my dad I turn around and look at all the worried faces. "People are searching for Draco outside of school grounds. We just have to keep going as usual. If your supposed to be friends with Draco act upset and down when it is announced that he is dead. But I won't believe it until I see his actual dead body and my creature tells me he is dead. I apologize for breaking down."

Andromeda interrupts me, "Don't you dare apologize. After everything you have been through, to then think you lost your soulmate for the second time, you have every right for a break down. We all would have reacted the same."

"Well thank you for all understanding." I look around and everyone is smiling and nodding finally realizing that I am going to be ok. "Back to business. I will be acting broken and depressed out there. Don't start getting worried about me. It is an act for those who took Draco. I want them to think they won so when we spring our attack it will be a surprise for them. Blaise, I need you to act as Slytherin Lieutenant until Draco is back in Hogwarts. You will keep Slytherin in line, up to date on meetings and trained. All Lieutenants keep recruiting. The larger our numbers the better, but be careful we can't afford to be caught."

"When is the attack going to be?"

"I am not sure yet. It will be soon  because this stunt with Draco is upping the ante."  I saw a lot of confused faces. "Sorry, muggle phrase." Everyone laughed.

We quietly left the chamber a few at a time. It was nearing dinner time so we headed to the Great Hall. When we reached the main hallway just outside the Great Hall there was a big commotion. Dumbledore, the professors and some Aurors were there. We were all told to move along into the Great Hall. 

I sat down at the Gryffindor table with Andromeda and Neville, just waiting for announcements and dinner. I leaned over to Andromeda and whispered to her, "If Dumbledore makes the announcement that Draco is dead, please secret away some food for me to eat later in the dorm. I am going to be too 'upset' to eat tonight." I said with a wink. She nodded her head with agreement.  

Dumbledore entered, followed by all the professors. The professors took their seats while Dumbledore remained standing getting everyone's attention. "I have a few announcements to make. First I am sad to report that young Draco Malfoy has been found dead. Cause of death is yet to be determined." I could feel Dumbledore's eyes on me as he said this, so I preceded to look devastated. There were quite a few wails and cries from the Slytherin table.

I took a quick glance at the Headmaster and saw that disgusting twinkle in his eye. He believed mine and Slytherin's reactions and he was reveling in it. He raised his hands to quiet the room and get everyone's attention again. "I know I know sad news indeed. However, on a happier note in two weeks there will be a Yule ball. You all can invite whoever you would like to attend as your date." 

Everyone in the hall looked at him like he was a stranger. How could he announce a Yule Ball and be happy about it right after announcing the death of a student. Dumbledore didn't seem to notice everyone's confusion. Either that or he just didn't care. "For now it is time for everyone to tuck in." and with those words, food appeared on all the tables.

I pushed my plate away from me and put my head down on the table. It was just in the right angle that I could still see the head table. I noticed that even the professors were looking at Dumbledore oddly. He just continued on smiling and eating his dinner like nothing was wrong.

Suddenly, he got this strange look on his face. Then he looked angry. He stood up and stormed out of the Great Hall. I looked at Andromeda. "What was that about?"

"I have no idea." she replied. "If someone was talking to him I would say he received bad news, but no one was there."

"Well what ever it was he wasn't happy which makes me happy." I smirked before quickly putting a depressed look on my face.  "I just had an idea. Spread to the Lieutenants that Hogwarts Circlet members are to invite Durmstrang and Beauxbatons circlet members to the Yule Ball as their dates." 

Andromeda smiled. Neville grinned. This was going to be fun.   

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