Chapter 17

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Ciaran's P.O.V.

When weeks passed without so much as a word from Weasel, I knew something was up. I had received the notice from Gringotts telling me the money had been returned. I called a large meeting of the entire circlet. Draco, Neville, Luna and Cedric stood next to me. There were maybe 30 people, each divided by fighting style. We had gladiators, archers, berserkers, and so on depending on their weapon. 

"Today marks an important day," I began. "Today we will be receiving visitors, who if persuaded, could join us as the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons branches of the Founders Circlet." I motioned for the doors to open. Through the doors came the possible recruits led by Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour. "They will have a trial period in our training and I expect respect just as you would us. Thank you." Everyone dispersed. I watched as the other students mingled and trained, many of them stayed in a group but eventually they broke up as the tried different styles of fighting. 

"Do you have bracelets for them?" Draco asked. I nodded and brought out the red bracelets and the blue bracelets. He smirked, "they're nice."

"Thank you." I smiled and we joined everyone in training. I watched Draco begin to help out those with swords, Cedric those with axes, Luna the duel wielders, Neville those with spears, and the Patil Twins those who wanted to be healers. I walked over and watched, helping out wherever I was needed. 

After an hour I said, "Alright, break time. Snacks are being served please enjoy." Tables appeared with trays of cheese and crackers as well as fruit and veggies. I walked over to where Viktor and Fleur were talking. "So? How is it?"

"It is amazing Ciaran." Viktor told me, I smiled.

"My schoolmates are so excited to join up, and frankly me as well. I think that this is amazing, and we are prepared to offer our full support. You've shown us you aren't insane so...." Fleur stated. I laughed.

"Thanks. If you guys ever need a safe house you are welcome here." I told them. They smiled and thanked me. I gave Fleur her bracelet and passed out the blue bracelets to the Beauxbaton students and red bracelets to the Durmstrang students. We bid them good bye, Fleur giving me a kiss on the cheek. A slight growling behind me informed me Draco had seen this interaction. I walked over to the glaring werewolf and wrappped my arms around his neck as he glared daggers at Fleur as she led her schoolmates home. 

"Relax love, she was just saying good bye. That's how they do it in France." I reasoned. 

"Doesn't mean I have to like it. You're mine, and no one else can have you, just as I am yours." I smiled at this. He was being possessive, but that means he cares. I kissed him. His anger melted away, as a soft smile appeared.

"No one but you gets to do that." I told him. He smirked, but grabbed my hand as we left the room. We went to the meeting room where the rest of the circlet was waiting , all sitting at the table, Dray and I sat at the head of the table.

"So, how's life folks?" I asked. They smiled slightly amused. "Anyway, so the Beaubaton and Durmstrang students all left, with their bracelets. Tomorrow Fleur and Viktor will return to discuss procedures. I would like my lieutenants to be present as well as Andromeda. The Weasley twins, and my parents will be present. The Dark Lord and Lady." I told them. They nodded, accepting this. "You are dismissed except for Cedric, I would like a word with you." He paled, as the others except for Draco filed out of the hall. He approached me slowly head hanging. "You aren't in trouble, I just wanted to clear a few things up for tomorrow." He sighed with relief. "First, you don't need to grovel at my parents feet. Simply show respect and try not to anger them. You can oppose ideas if you see the need to, simply do it respectfully. You don't need to be afraid unless you've done something wrong. If you accidentally anger them, make sure to apologize quickly." I told him, he nodded. 

"Alright, so be respectful basically." he summarized.


"Although, be prepared. The Lady can be a little extra." Draco added in, I nodded.

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