Chapter 15

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Ciaran's P.O.V.

When Cedric Diggory, along with Daphne and Astoria Greengrass came up to me and gave the chosen sentence, that signaled their choice of side, I smiled. Weasley wasn't around. Andromeda was next to me. I was wearing my glamour obviously. I nodded. it was a free period. "Follow me." I told them. They nodded, and I led them to Myrtle's bathroom. She floated in. "Myrtle, here are a few people who are joining us."

"Of course Harry. They are ever so welcome. After all, you are one of the few that is kind to me." She turned and dove into her toilet. I smiled and raised my bracelet. The snake on the faucet glowed before the chamber opened up. The startled gasps of the new recruits was heard. I could almost hear their awed faces as Andromeda and I led them down. We arrived into the main entrance chamber. I stopped and turned to them. 

"You have been found worthy of joining the Founder's Circlet." I told them. The nodded. "Do you swear your allegiance to the dark? Don't lie, any ulterior motives will not be hidden from me."

"I swear my allegiance to the dark, and more so to the circlet." they all said in unison. No sign of ulterior motives or doubt. I smiled and dropped my glamour.

"I am Ciaran Salazar Riddle. Leader of the Founder's Circlet." I revealed. "Cedric, since we have no Hufflepuff recruits, would you like to be the Hufflepuff Lieutenant?"

"Of course My Lord." I waved him off.

"No. Don't call me that unless the other Death Eaters are around. I don't like formality. Your job as a Lieutenant, is to keep your recruits in your house updated on activities. You train together on your own as well, so that our actions as a group organisation isn't obvious. I am Harry to everyone that isn't a member. You are also tasked with finding trustworthy people who may want to join. If they don't wish to join, obliviate them, we don't need to be discovered. If they do want to join, tell them to give me the same phrase you did, and to only do so when weasel isn't around. Now take these bracelets." I handed them the bracelets, Cedric getting the Hufflepuff Lieutenant bracelet and Daphne and Astoria getting Slytherin bracelets. I explained how they worked and showed them the other parts of the chamber.

Two Months Later

It was nearing two months since we arrived at Hogwarts. I don't know how it happened, but we had no incidents. Not until today. We had Care of Magical Creatures. We, meaning Andromeda, Weasel and myself, walked down to Hagrid's hut. I still liked Hagrid, I just wish he wasn't loyal to Dumbledore. "Is everyone ere?" He asked. With a quick headcount, he lead us into the woods, close to the edge. We heard a neigh, and soon we were at a paddock with thestrals. The batlike horses were walking around. 

"Hagrid, there's nothing here." a student from Ravenclaw said.

"Not everyone is able to see thestrals." I supplied. Hagrid nodded. 

"On'y t'ose who ave seen death can see em." he explained.

"But they are actually really gentle creatures. I can draw one for you." I offered. The Ravenclaw nodded. I pulled out a piece of parchment, and after a few minutes, a sketch of the batlike equines was being passed around.

"The look like zombie pegasi." she said.

"I don't see anything." Weasel demanded.

"That is because you have never seen death." Harry replied simply. That caught a few people off guard.

"And you have?" He asked. Seriously? How daft is he?

"Yes. I have. My parents, remember?" I rolled my eyes. 

Weasel scoffed, "You don't even remember."  How had I not noticed how insensitive he is?

"RONALD WEASLEY!!! Do you even have a brain?" Andromeda seethed, "Do you even care about him?" That took him down a notch.

"Yeah." he shrugged. I turned away. It's not that I really cared, they weren't really my parents, but it still hurt. the class watched horrified, many glaring at Weasel.

"The shut your mouth. They were his parents, and they were murdered. Just because he doesn't remember them does not mean it doesn't hurt." Andromeda continued to scold.

"But Mione!"

"Don't you even try!"

"They were murdered by a mad man! They were in a war! They probably would've died anyway." SLAP!!!! "What was that for?!"

I wondered why Hagrid hadn't spoken up, so I glanced over. The giant was shocked and fuming.

"Weasley! One weeks de'ention! and a 'undred points 'rom Gryffindor!" He punished. Ron stared wide eyed, but said nothing, silently seething. I smiled at Hagrid. Andromeda came over to comfort me.

"I'm fine Mione, thanks."

"He's just upset, don't pay him any attention, Harry." She turned to glare at the Weasel. "And you stay away from him Weasley, or I swear I'll hex you into next month!"

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