Chapter 9

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Ciaran P.O.V.

We ate dinner in silence. I fed Kovus pieces of fruit, while he sat in my lap. 

"I wish you didn't need to go." Mother sighed.

"Me too. But we have to. I will make sure to write to you once a week." I reassured.

"Are you taking Kovus with you?" Father asked. I nodded.

"He wants to come with me and I have missed enough of his childhood already. I know where he can stay so no one can find him. He'll be safe." I smiled down at Kovus. The rest of dinner was extra details on the mission.

Time skip to before they leave for the train

I woke up in my room. I knew exactly what I was going to do to hide Kovus on the train. Sit alone. I got up and dressed, in clothes Harry Potter would wear. A large t-shirt and slightly over-sized jeans. I grabbed some run down converse before heading downstairs for breakfast.

Mother and Father where there with Kovus. I walked over to them and greeted my parents with hugs, before picking up Kovus and sitting down. I fed Kovus some cheerios (his favorite) and he used the uneaten ones to make shapes. I laughed at the strange blob when Kovus had said, "Draco!" at the exact moment Draco chose to make his entrance. He sat next to me.

"Good morning Dray!" I exclaimed, kissing his cheek.

"You're awfully happy today," he noticed.

"No nightmares last night." He smiled and poured himself and I a glass of orange juice, and got each of us a piece of toast. I loved it when he showed his protective side and made sure I had what I needed, and at this point he knew what I liked. 

"What are you wearing?" He asked me. 

"Well I figured I should dress the part." I told him. He sighed.

"Right. I forgot. You need to play the role of Harry Potter." He frowned.

"Only during the day." I assured him, "the rest of the time I'm your Ciaran." He smiled.

"Alright, time to go!" Mother exclaimed. Narcissa entered to take us to King's Cross. I picked Kovus up, said goodbye to my parents and grabbed her arm as did Draco. 

We apparated onto the platform. No one was there. Draco and I climbed onto the train, in the very back. No one ever sat there. I placed Kovus onto the seat.

"It's time....Harry." Draco sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure. I guess it just feels like I'm losing you again." He told me. He began to silently cry. I pulled him into a hug, and we sat down on the seat opposite of Kovus.

"You will never lose me. Ever. Ok?" He sniffed and nodded. I cast the glamour. I felt myself shrink, and get thinner. I felt my hair go untidy. I pulled out my glasses and put a spell on them making the lenses just glass, as I could see perfectly without them. Draco and I kissed, a long and passionate kiss, before he left to his usual compartment. Bringing his luggage with him. I put my luggage on the rack and sat next to Kovus, after closing the curtain.

I arrived at Hogwarts, and I held Kovus under the invisibility cloak. I got off the train and immediately heard Hagrid calling for the first years. I walked towards the carriages...

"HARRY!" I heard Hermione call, I smiled, immediately connecting the dots, Andromeda. I turned. She and Ron were running towards me. "There you are mate! We thought you missed the train." Ron told me.

"I looked for you guys, but I managed to find an empty compartment after I realized I was on the wrong car." I told them. "Sorry."

"It's fine mate. Come on let's go eat." I could hear the annoyance in his voice though he said it was fine. We grabbed a carriage together. Neville and Luna came on as well. I saw the glittering bracelets on their wrists.

"Oh my Merlin, Luna where did you get those?" Hermione asked. She seemed excited.

"They are easy to find if you know where to look." Luna explained in her usual dreamy tone. My bracelet showed proudly on my wrist. "See? Harry even has one." Hermione whipped her head towards my wrist.

"What are they?" She asked. I nodded at Neville, he smiled understandingly.

"They are enchanted bracelets. You'll find more and more people at Hogwarts with them." I told her. She narrowed her eyes.

"Ok...." We arrived at the castle and walked into the Great Hall.

"Come on I'm hungry." Ron huffed, I frowned. We sat down, I secretly placed Kovus on my lap, and watched as the first years were sorted. Well Ron didn't watch, he just looked bored. The food appeared. We ate and chatted. At one point Kovus fell asleep. The feast started to wind down. 

"I need to use the loo." I told them. They nodded and I stood up and left the great hall with Kovus still hidden under the invisibility cloak. I walked to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

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