Chapter 4

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Ciaran P.O.V.

I couldn't help but get scared. How are they going to react? Will they get mad at me? Will they abandon me for being weak? Thoughts kept running through my mind, I felt myself go pale. Was I shaking? No. I looked down to see a scared Kovus. I immediately held him close. "It's okay Kovus, no one can hurt you anymore." I whispered. "You're safe. We're both safe." He wouldn't stop shaking. I felt my shirt dampen. Kovus was crying. "You're ok Kovus, I'm never going to let you go." He looked up at me, eyes identical to mine, were full of tears. I place his head into the crook of my neck and he soon fell asleep. 

I finally calmed down. If anything were to happen to Kovus, I would literally die. I kissed his forehead, and looked up. I noticed a few more people in the room. Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Severus Snape and Victor Krum. They all looked at me, along with the other people in the room, with worried expressions. Delphi had a look of pure anger, and Draco.... Draco was looking at me with a heartbroken look. I immediately hugged him, trying not to wince as he hugged me back.

"What happened? Please." He begged. I had to tell them. There was no alternative.

"And after you tell your story, you go straight to the healer, as does Kovus," Father decided. I nodded. Everyone sat down. I sat right next to Draco. I looked at each of their faces, and just now realized some of the light were here.

"Before I tell my story, I just want to know: Why are Neville, Luna, Remus, and Padfoot here?"

The four looked startled. "How do you know who we are?" Remus asked.

"I will explain that in a moment, just please answer the question."

"We found out about what Dumbleduck was doing, and we just couldn't side with him anymore. We joined the dark around two months ago." Sirius explained. "Now explain everything about yourself to us. From the beginning." I nodded and began my story.

'After I was kidnapped, Dumbledore glamoured me and rearranged my memories. He wanted me to replace the real Harry Potter who had died around a week earlier."

"You were Harry Potter?" Father asked, his eyes tearing up, I nodded.

"It isn't your fault. You didn't know it was me. But anyway, Harry Potter was beaten to death by the Dursleys. They did the same thing to me. Almost killed me multiple times. The only reason they haven't was because Dumbledore would've stopped paying them with money he was stealing from my vaults! And after Kovus was born they would hit him. I came back one summer and found him with a large bruise on his arm." I seethed, Kovus stirred and I calmed down. "When Fred and George left Hogwarts they had offered to take him, having found out in fourth year when they came to get me for the Quidditch World Cup. They saw him peeking from the corner. I couldn't say no, I trust them to take care of him a lot more then I do the Dursleys. I found out who I was on my birthday, just this morning, when I went through my inheritance. I had blocks placed upon me, along with forced potions. I had them removed and I came here after claiming my Lord and Heir-ships."

"Which are?" Sirius asked. I named them. All of them.

"Now I know you don't like talking about it, but, how did you end up with Kovus?" Delphi asked. 

Draco took my hand as I felt myself darken. I mumbled my answer. 

"What was that?" Fred asked.

"Mmmmhmm." I said just a little louder.

"A little louder son." Father told me. I felt my lower lip shake.

"Iwasraped." I said quickly. The room heard it though and immediately riled up.

"HOW DARE THEY?!!!!" Lucius exclaimed. Kovus woke up scared. I shot Lucius a look. The room quieted. 

"It's ok Kovus. Go back to sleep." I told him. He was already asleep by the time I said those words. 

Mother rushed up to me, "Who?" she asked.

"Dudley's friend who thought it would be funny." I told her. 

She then took my hand and led me up to the mediwing. Draco's hand was on my shoulder the whole way. She instructed me to lay on the bed. I passed Kovus to Fred and did as she said. She immediately used a diagnostic charm. It circled me for a few minutes. Then a paper appeared. She read it, then handed it to Father whilst crying. Father read through it, and seemed to grow angry. Draco looked at them questioningly.

"Could I see it?" he asked.

"Since you are his mate." Mother sat at the edge of the bed and took my hand. Fred gave Kovus back to me and he was now laying on my chest. "My poor baby...." she cried her dark eyes filled with tears. I looked at the paper it held a list of injuries past and present, healed and new. There were too many to count. The list included: bruises, cuts, slash marks, carvings, broken bones, as well as things like dehydration and undernourishment. Snape arrived and handed me a few potions. After I freed my hand from mothers grasp, I drank them down and immediately felt my wounds closing. Suddenly I felt exhausted. I looked out the window.

"You must be exhausted, sleep. It's three o'clock." Father told me. I nodded and felt myself doze off, holding a sleeping Kovus next to me. 

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