chapter four

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Hiccup and astrid stand at the docks and meet the two dragons. " well here you two are " said stormfly. " why you two sad " asked toothless. " dragon training " astrid said. The two dragons looked at them confused. " our fathers forced us in dragon training with the other teens " hiccup said after he noticed the confused dragons. They nodded and start training.

They train how to do the plasma blast. And the magazine blast. After good three hours, the two friends go to their homes to sleep.

The next day at dragon training:

" Welcome to dragon training," said gobber as he opens the doors of the arena. Ruff, tuff and snoutlout along with fishlegs enter the arena excitedly while astrid and hiccup enter hanging her head ashamed.

" Hey, babe why are you ashamed this is the most honourable thing " snoutlout say. " not for us," said hiccup.

The stand and watch gobber talking about the dragons. But they weren't paying attention. ( hiccup and astrid stand next to each other while fishlegs annoy snoutlout) " But who will get the honour of killing the monster nightmare in front of the whole village," said gobber. " hey astrid if any of us get the honour we can runaway " hiccup whisper to astrid. She nodded.

Then gobber opens the Gronkl " wait are not teaching us anything " asked snoutlout stupidly. " I believe on learning in work," said gobber. All the teens start running away while astrid waved to hiccup to go to the dragon. Once the Gronkl spots them. She was going to bow. " your majesty," said the gronkl " we need your help and we promise you to get you out of there just play along," said hiccup.

" Okay what I have to do," said the female dragon. " get them off and then pretend to shout at us," said astrid.

All the teens got out while astrid and hiccup pretend to dodge all of them. Then the gronkl was going to shout at hiccup but then gobber got the gronkl and put it in the cage again. " go to sleep your big ugly beast. " he said, " you all do terrible except astrid and hiccup good job lass and lad."

Time skip after one month

The ships come back from their search that means the hell life of astrid comes back. Astrid and hiccup were at the forest training. While gobber greeting the two fathers. But he found all the ships wrecked. No ship is in good condition. " well I hope you at least find the nest " said gobber and take the bag from stoick. " not even close " he said "I hope you had a better luck than me " " do you mean hiccup he is good the first on the lesson " said gobber " really " asked stoick surprise " aye he always go to the forest after the lesson to train " said gobber.

But little did they know that hiccup and astrid get ready to run away. They are definitely gonna be chosen for the end they are at the Simi final test. So yes they are running away.

They got their belongs and go to the cove. The two dragons now that they are gonna run away.

They are gonna run away, find an island to call home, and see what cause the raids and stop it.

Everything is good until. Until two fathers find the two friends with their dragons and their belongs. They were very angry.

And I will stop here. See you soon.


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