chapter fifteen

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When hiccup and astrid entered the clubhouse where the teens where there their jaw dropped. Seeing someone you thought you would never see again even if you deep down know that you might do is also a big surprise for the teens. "Hiccup Astrid is that you," asked ruff. "Yes ruffnut that's us" answered hiccup. "So it's real. you two are alive" said tuff. "Yes tuffnut we are alive," said astrid this time. "But how? Why?" Asked snoutlout. "I guess we have a lot to explain." Said hiccup as the teens along with the dragon rider and hiccup, astrid, Aron, Hannah set on the table.

"So let's start with questions." Said hiccup. "Are you really the dragon prince and princess?" asked snotlout. "Yes we are," said hiccup.

"Why did you leave berk," asked fishlegs. "Because one of us will be choosing for killing hookfang -the monsters nightmare that was in the cage- and we can't kill our people. And also how can we face our responsibilities when we at berk" explained astrid.

"What happened to your leg" asked tuffnut. "When I and astrid left berk we built one hut here. And then returned to berk to know the reason for the raids. Which was the same day as our 'furnual' and we finally found out that the queen was controlling them to bring her food" explained hiccup. "When we fight her I lost my leg at the explosion"

"Do you have powers and if you have what it is" asked fishlegs. "Well we can change to any dragon we want; we have all the powers of the dragons; we can talk to the dragons," said Astrid.

"Who is those" asked snotlout pointing to the couple at the end of the clubhouse. Hiccup and Astrid looked at them and then at the teens. "These are Hannah and Aron," said hiccup. "Aron is my brother while Hannah is hiccup's sister," Astrid said.

"How," asked fishlegs. "Well when our mothers were taken by cloudjumber my mother's dragons they were pregnant with them" explained hiccup.

"Do they also have powers?" asked tuffnut. "Yep they have too"

"So any other questions," asked Camille who wanted to end this meeting as soon as possible. "Yes, one what happened the day you left" asked fishlegs. "Our fathers catch us when we were gonna leave and we tell them to don't go search for us because berk brought enough pain for not only me but for both of us," asked hiccup. "If it's not for hiccup me and Hannah were gonna destroy your village," said Aron while the rest of the dragon rider nodded.

The teens except fishlegs looked down. Yeah, the pain they just brought pain. "Hiccup we are sorry for all we did in the past could we open a new page," asked snotlout hoping to get them to open a new page together. "I already forgive you guys or not you will be not here now am I right," said hiccup right.

"Now it's our time to question," said Hannah in a demanding tone.

"First how is berk without us," asked astrid. "Everything changed. The weapons aren't the same, the spirit isn't the same. Everyone knows how important you were hiccup. And everyone is guilty of what they do to you" said fishlegs while the other three nodded. "FINALLY" shouted all the dragon riders along with Hannah and Aron. Hiccup shot a glare for all of them.

"Okay, snotlout how did you changed you don't seem like the bully that I know. You even didn't filter with anyone" asked hiccup surprise at his cousin behaviour. "Well when you left I realized what an idiot I am so I change and become nicer," he said and looked down.

"And you two, berk former trouble maker. Is it true that you two stop pranking people" asked astrid? From heather and Dagur she knew that the two trouble maker stopped pranking people. "Yep after you guys gone. We realized what we have done to hiccup so we stopped" said tuffnut. "Only prank on Loki'd," said ruffnut.

"So any other questions," said vanger sleeping. "Nope," said hiccup. And reserved a nod from them all. "Good I can now go to sleep." He shouted as he runs to his dragon and flies toward his hut. "Okay snoutlout ruffnut and tuffnut you could take astrid hut," hiccup said. Then astrid got an amazing though. She got to hiccup and whisper something to him while looking at heather smirking. "Oh. Really. I agree. Okay, fishlegs you at heather's hut" hiccup said while looking at his raven-haired friend with a smirk. Heather eyes shot to the couple that stands there and shot them a death glare. "Yep good job astrid, finally a payback" shotud Camilla while Camille nodded and Hannah laughed. "Um, is there something I should know" asked fishlegs confused? "I guess you got bad luck, my fishy friend," said tuff while batting him on the back. "Nothing fishlegs it's just that we want payback on our friend here for something she did to us. Although she is happy with that" astrid said murmuring the last part. "Um okay," said fishlegs as he goes to the boat to get his things. The rest of the teens still there.

"What payback," asked snotlout. "Heather got me and hiccup in the same hut. She did the same for Camilla and Edward, and Camille and vanger" astrid answers. "And she did that to you too," asked ruffnut pointing at Hannah and Aron. "Nope those two got us together," said Aron pointing at hiccup and astrid. "What did you two do" asked tuffnut. "Well, hiccup got into a coma after he fell while testing his flight suit. Hannah was worried sick for her brother and Aron was there for her and the two admit their feeling at a sunset" said astrid while glaring at hiccup at the part of the 'flying suit'. "Yep that what happens," said Aron. "So back to the sleep idea anyone," asked Edward while yawning. "Yeah, but where I and Aron will sleep" asked, Hannah. "At my hut, there is plenty of space," said hiccup.

Everyone started going to places where they will go to sleep. Tomorrow they will have to discuss the plan with Jim and claire in the future.

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