chapter thrteen

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"Hiccup we can't do it it is too strong we have to land" shouted astrid as they were flying this morning. Well, they were flying until the storm hit. "You right astrid here in this icy cave" hiccup shouted back. Pointing toward a cave from ice with spikes in the up. "Who lives here," asked astrid as they landed and entered the cave. "I don't know let's just hope it will be a dragon, friendly people," said hiccup as they walked deeper in the cave, with stormfly and toothless behind them. "I feel like the king lives here," say toothless while stormfly nodded. "Do you think that when the king moves he move here," asked hiccup in dragoness. Astrid shrugged and say. "I don't know maybe"

Then two persons come out. A boy and a girl. "Who are you and what are you doing in our home," said the girl. From her voice and shape, she is like hiccup someway. She has green eyes and brown hair. She has freckles and a small gap between her teeth. While the boy was more like astrid. He has blonde hair. He has blue eyes. They have two dragons. A black deadly nadder. And a white night fury. More like a light fury.

"We mean no harm to your home. We just want a place to stay at it until the storm clears could we stay here" said hiccup. The two dragons looked at hiccup and astrid curiously. The boy and the girl looked at the two dragons and then at hiccup and astrid. They were shocked when the two dragon bows at them. "Who you two are? And why the dragons bow to you?" Said the boy this time. Hiccup and astrid looked at each other and then astrid say "We are the dragon prince and princess. We role the dragons that's why the dragons bow to us".

The two looks surprised. "Come the king has some explaining to do," said the girl. Hiccup looked at all of them and nodded. They start walking into the cave deeper. Until they reached the main part. In this part dragons, different colours and kinds flying. And in the middle a big hole. Laying in this hole is a white bewilderbeast. Hiccup and astrid looked around in awe. Then two dragons with four wings who hiccup and astrid recognize now as stormcutter landed. "Mom," say the boy and girl and run toward the two riders who just landed.

The two riders looked at hiccup and astrid surprised. "Hiccup, Astrid," said the two riders. "How do you know us," asked hiccup and held astrid hand tight. "Because we are your mothers," said one rider. Who when she

End of flashback:

Hiccup and astrid were laying in their bed. Since they were seventeen they start dating. And now at the age of nineteen, the two of them is bethrold. The two of them couldn't be happier. And right now the two of them laying in hiccup's bed. Since Aron staying at Astrid's hut. She decide to stay at hiccup's. And honestly, she didn't mind staying there. Neither did hiccup.

Hiccup was laying on his back. On hand under his head while the other on Astrid's shoulder. While astrid has her head rested on hiccup's chest sleeping or the what hiccup though. Hiccup was lost in thought. "What are you thinking about babe?" Asked Astrid suddenly. Hiccup looked at her surprised then he smiled. "What makes you still you awake m'lady," he asked softly while looked at her. She smiled and shrugged. "Didn't get sleep. What about you?" She asked while looking at him with her blue eyes. "Remembering when we met our mothers" answered hiccup with a smile. "Mmm and why is that," she asked more like mumbled since her face was pressed against his chest. "I don't know it just comes through my mind," he said and looked at her with a smile and kissed her head. "I love you, m'lady," he said with affection and love in his voice. She looked at him and smiled brightly. "I love you too babe," she said with the same affection and love in her voice as his. They leaned together and kissed for seconds. Then they pulled away.

Hiccup pulled astrid close to him if this was even possible. She smiled and put her head on his chest. "Come on let's sleep m'lady. And don't worry I won't leave you" he said. Astrid has several nightmares about hiccup die for some reason. But hiccup always was there to chase those lying nightmares away. "Thanks, babe I love you," she said and slowly goes to sleep. "I love you too m'lady," he said. And slowly goes to sleep too.

In that together: Hiccstrid run awayWhere stories live. Discover now