chapter eleven

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“ So fishlegs do you want to be a dragon rider? “ said hiccup as he stared at the shocked fishlegs. But soon fishlegs shocked expression was replaced by an exciting one. “ Yes, I want to be a dragon rider. “ said Fishlegs happily. So how we ended up here. We might want to go back in time to a couple of hours ago. Shall we?

It was a sunny day at Berserker island. Heather wakes up at dawn and goes to fishlegs hut. She knocked on the door and was surprised to see that he was awake. “ wow fishlegs didn’t think you would be awake, “ said Heather. “ Well I am just a little nervous, “ he said “ what if they didn’t want to see me, after all, I did “ heather looked at him and saw guilt in the boy’s eyes.

Guilt for not being a good friend for both of them. To ignore the beg of the help of both of them. And now here he is. Getting another chance to make things right. “ don’t worry anyway we have to go,” said Heather. The two walk toward the stables. 

Berk may not know about windsheer. However, the only berkian who knows is fishlegs. Anyway, the two of them enter the stable of windsheer. “ girl I miss you “ said fishlegs as he saw windsheer. At this sight, heather knows that fishlegs will have a chance with hiccup and astrid. No one knows that fishlegs know about windsheer. So yeah. And she may and may not have a crush on the husky blonde boy in front of her right now. But she is sure that Astrid will never leave her today until she admits it. “ heather are you okay? “ asked the boy with a worried expression. Snapping her of her thoughts. She shook her head and said. “ Yeah I am alright let’s go “ he nodded and they sat on windsheer’s back.

At the dragon’s edge when they are in the sight:

“ your majesty windsheer and heather are near the edge and they have a stranger, blond boy, with them “ fireworm. One of the night terrors who guard the island said to hiccup and astrid. “ so soon. Anyway, thanks, fireworm you can go now “ said hiccup in dragoness. The night terror bow before goes. “ Come on guys we have gusts, “  said astrid to the rest of her friends who seem to be in their own worlds. Camilla and Edward the two of them talking together. While Camille read a book and looked at her young sister. And vanger clean the arena. “ Guys, come on, “ said an impatient astrid. But no one moves. “ okay let’s go astrid “ said hiccup as he got on toothless. Astrid to get on toothless since stormfly is sleeping. The two fly to the stables where windsheer landed. “ Heather, I miss you, “ said astrid as she ran to hug her best friend. Hiccup and astrid wore their masks. “ Come on sky, it's been one day, “ said Heather while laughing. “ well you don’t visit that often so we miss you, “ said hiccup after he hugged her. “ yeah yeah i get it, night, “ said Heather “ anyway i brought fishlegs with me, “ said heather and gusterd to fishlegs who waved to the two dragon riders. Shyly and confused. “ hi guys '' said fishlegs. “ Nice to meet you fishlegs. What do you say we take a tour on our island then discuss what you come here for “ said night fishlegs nodded. And they began the tour.

After the tour: 

“ and that the clubhouse where we all meet, plan, eat you name it, “ said sky as she gusterd to the clubhouse. It is now empty. Vanger goes to give lightning bolt his flight. While Camilla guards the island. And Edward cleaned the stables. And finally, Camille went to sleep.

“ cool place to live in, “ said fishlegs impressed. “ Well it’s time to discuss what you really come for, “ said sky. Fishlegs nodded and entered the clubhouse. The same goes for heather, hiccup and astrid. “ so what do you come for?'' asked night. Although he knew. “ I am here because I want to find hiccup haddock and astrid hofferson. “ said fishlegs. He was going to find them. No matter what. “ and may I ask why? Why do you find them? '' because “ fishlegs began “ I want to apologize to them. Make things right. Hiccup always begged me to help him when snotlout or the twins punched him. Just because I was afraid and I don't want to be a runt. And when astrid begged me to help him. To do the thing she couldn't do. And I know how much she hates it. And what I did was just ignore them. I don’t expect them to forgive me. I just to make things right “ he finished. “ wow fishlegs I am impressed, “ said sky. “ and I must say the idea for welling to make things right. Accept our friend as a dragon rider and respect her dragon make us…” said hiccup as he started to take off his mask. Same thing with astrid. “ give us more reasons to forgive you.. “ astrid said. “... and make you a dragon rider. So fishlegs do you want to be a dragon rider “ asked hiccup. Fishlegs was shocked for three main reasons: first. He found out that astrid and hiccup were alive and the dragon riders leaders. Second . that they forgive him already. Third. That they want to make him a dragon rider because he accepts the dragons.
But soon fishlegs’ shocked expression was replaced by an exciting one. He nodded and said: “ yes I want to be a dragon rider but I have a lot of questions," said fishlegs. " we will answer all of them "

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