chapter seventeen

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"Anyway guys me, claire, hiccup and astrid are going out could we rutern and find the place like we left it" said jim as he got his keys. He had borrowed Barbara's car for the day. So they were able to go out. The reason why they didn't plan at the edge was because the team could hear them. And they couldn't at the apartment cause of the same reason. The reason of them not wanting to hear the plan is that they are not sure if they will agree on it or not.

"And were are going?" Asked steve. Of course steve has to ask. "Going out to discuss something see you later" said Claire as they got out of the place. They entered Jim's mom car and start driving toward the cafe where douxie used to work. "So who is the things on your side" asked jim as they set on the corner where it is less crowded.

"Not great as I know from eret they are getting a new ship soon. And we are afraid it's the beldwerbeast" said hiccup. Jim nodded and say. "Morando is working on their way to the past. We might get the chance to defeat them here" said jim. "But what if you can't we can't just sit there doing nothing and knowing nothing about you guys" said Astrid. "But you guys will be fighting Drayo." Said Claire. While Astrid nodded. Hiccup try to have a solution if there is something commen. A thing, a place. Wiat a place. "A place!!" Said hiccup suddenly. "What do you mean" Asked Claire. 

"We need a place to be secure and ready for fighting we try to get our opponents weaker somehow and then get them to this place." Explained hiccup. "But where is this place?" Asked Astrid. "It has to be at your time and also it must have an army ready to fight." Said jim. "Let me think we have three options. Beserker, outcast, or.." said hiccup but for some reason he didn't say the last option. "Or what hiccup" asked Claire. "Or berk" said hiccup with a sigh. "I guess it will be berk I mean Drago will love to go to berk and it will has less dragons in case Drago got the king of dragons." Said Astrid. Although they never wanted to go to berk ever. They still have to face their past. "You know guys we can come with you" said Jim as he saw the uncomfortable in their eyes. "It's okay Jim we must face our past anyway" Said hiccup and smiled at his best friend.

For nearly two hours the four plan what they will do and what they are gonna tell the others. And also agreed to bring Elsa and Jack to help cause Elsa is the fifth spirit and Jack is the Guardian of winter. So they will basically be a great opponent for skrael.

At the end of the day hiccup and Astrid returned to the dragon edge. It was at dinner time. And the team just finished eating. "Hiccup, Astrid" said Heather. "Hey guys, go to sleep we got a long day tomorrow" said Astrid. And it was true it was really a long day. Fishlegs, snotlout, and the twins returned to berk after the breakfast. Their dragons stayed at the edge. The team all nodded and everyone start to go to their huts to get enough sleep.

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