Chapter twenty-two

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Hiccup, Astrid, Hannah, Aron, and the berkians riders reached the edge as Drago throw the first shot towerd the edge. Surprisly it was a ice shot and could only be shoted by the bewilderbeast. Hiccup and Astrid looked at the dragon in horror. They were afried that drago would get his hands on the last one. "What is that" yelled Snotlout in horror. "This dragon is Class ten, CLASS TEN" said Fishlegs in horror. "Snot, Ruff, Tuff  and fish sink as many ships as you can" said Astrid. "Hannah and Aron with us" said Hiccup.

Fishlegs, Snotlout, Tuffnut and Ruffnut start blasting at the ships sinking them fast. Sure most of them where about to fall but other than that they where okay.

As for the chosen ones (as known as Hiccup, Astrid, Hannah, Aron) flew towerd the bewilderbeast trying to stop him. "STOP THIS RIGHT NOW" shouted Hiccup. "And who is going to stop me" said The bewilderbeast. "US" shouted Astrid. "The next in Line no way" said the bewilderbeast. "WHY YES IT'S US WE ORDER YOU TO STOP RIGHT NOW" said Hiccup.

"Never you will not take the throne of the dragons" said the bewilderbeast and start to shot at them. "Dragon master come here and fight me like men" said Drago as he saw Hiccup fight the bewilderbeast.

Hiccup looked at Drago and then looked At Aron. The two nodded and fly towerd Drago. "Dragon master I have waited for this moment for a lot of time to kill you" said Drago as he looks at the two boys. "You will never kill us Drago if anyone will be killed is going to be you" said Aron. Drago laugh and pulled his weapon.

With Jim and Claire:

"Claire we are attacked we need you fast" said Archi from the phone as he called Claire to have jim and the others helping her fight Arcane order. "Jim Douxi is Attacked he need us." Said Claire fast as she goes to change. Jim, toby and Argggh nodded and go to get ready. Two minute later claire opened a portal to New York.

When the come out they found Douxi trying to defend themselves.

Soon they try to help them but they couldn't. So they decided to go to the past. "Krel get the door for the past ready." said toby as Claire opens the portal. "Done it we just need Nari." Said Krel.

Soon Mari start to do her work and opened the portal. Everyone goes to the past. They land on dragon island where they where supposed to meet.

While jim and claire still in the future.

Back at the edge.

Drago got all the dragons. All of them. Hiccup got injured. And everything is destroyed. "That is bad" said Ruffnut. "Astrid little help here." Said Aron as he helped Hiccup walk. "Hiccup." Said Astrid as she and  Hannah run towerd him. "I am okay but we need to fly to berk." Said Hiccup. "Are you sure you could transfer." Said Astrid. "No" answers hiccup and try to transfer but couldn't.

"Astrid and Aron led the berkians and meet us at berk I am gonna drop hiccup at Mom and check on the dragons island." Said Hannah. Soon she transferred to a light fury. Aron help Hiccup up and then transfer into a typhomrang "come on we have a long trip." Said Aron as the berkians ride him.

"Take care you two" said Astrid as she transferred into deadly nadder.

Soon everyone fly towerd berk.

Long chapter as promised as for Jim and Claire parts in the story it has nothing to do with the movie okay.

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