chapter nineteen

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As all the team eats their breakfast, as well as the dragons, they start leaving with Camille and Vanger guard the edge. Astrid was a bit stressed about going back to berk, while hiccup was so stressed.

After about two hours of flying the came past an island Hiccup and Astrid wished they never have to came pass. The village where all in the square so that where Hiccup, Astrid, Hannah, and Aron land.

The village immediately draw their weapons making the dragons growl in warning. "We came here in peace we want to just talk to the chief" said Hiccup in high voice. The four of them were wearing their masks so his voice was changed a bit.

Someone of the villager- mulch -start running toward the chief who was at the forge talking with gobber. "Chief, chief, some people land with dragons saying that they need to talk to you" said mulch. Stoick and gobber run toward the square with Mulch and Gobber behind him. When he reached there he found four dragons with four people on them. "Who are you and what you want from us" asked the chief- Stoick the vast, the former father of Hiccup and Hannah Haddock, and the future father-in-law to Astrid and Aron Hofferson. 

Hannah and Aron looked at their siblings to make sure that they are okay, the team- which contain: Camilla, and Edward- was at the cove, but was ready to strike at the mention of seeing two plasma blast shot into the air. while if the plasma blast shot three times, then they will leave in peace. but if the plasma blast shot one time, then it mean that they can come to the village.

"I want you to sign a treaty with us in the upcoming war." said Hannah- which she is wearing a white armor with white helmet and on her chest an symbol for the deadly fury in a cercal. "And why we should do this and what war we didn't hear about any upcoming war" said stoick. "a war with Drago bludvist, I am sure you heard about him, and with another unknown enemy from the future" answered Aron. "and why? because it's either us or your village will be destroyed by Drago and his allies," said Hannah. 

Hiccup and Astrid avoid talking to much so that their voices will be known. "we will come tomorrow to know your answer choose wisely" said Aron. Starlight shot three plasma blast into the air.

the team soon landed on nearby island. "so what now?" asked Edward. "wait till they made a choice" said Hiccup. they soon start to make a camp to stay for the night.

At berk:

Stoick had healed meeting at the great hall for the council of berk, to see what they will do, and if they will accept those people offer or not. the council contains of: Gothi, Gobber, Harold, Spitelout,  Stoick, Fisher Ingerman, Lucifer Thorsten, and the teens. 

"so what are we gonna do?" asked fisher. "chief, i have heard about this war it really could be the end of the archipelago, so i say we help them" said Fishlegs getting nods from all the teens. "me too have heard about it but i wasn't sure" said fisher too. stoick is now confused. he has two options: one; accept the offer and might win or lose; or two; refused the offer and lose and all his people be slaves to heartless mad man. he likes the first option more even with the idea of ally himself with mindless beasts. (shut up stoick) he decided he will hear Gothi's say in that and also hear more about that offer from those strangers. 

"Gothi what do you think?" asked Stoick. she write something in the sand and Gobber go to translate it. "she say we accept the offer it might lead us to the victory with also and also get rid of that mad man Drago" said Gobber.

"okay guys we will ask more of questions to these people and know more but i think that we will accept the offer." announced Stoick. getting nods from everyone. they start to go home to get some sleep.

finished what do you think? should they tell who they are or not please tell me what do you think how they would know Hiccup and Astrid's identity. and vote and comment what do you think of this chapter. love you all.

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