chapter fourteen

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It's been three days since the bad news about arcane order in the future. And drago's dragon army. Everyone try to beat the time to be as sharp as they can when the war comes. Hiccup and astrid goes to the alfa to complete their final form. Heather get in contact with Dagur and he says that he and mala will come as fast as possible. Camille and vanger were able to pass the message to the outcast island. While Camilla and Edward are at the wingmaiden island to help them in preparations. And finally, fishlegs was able to get the rest of the teens from berk without anyone know.

And this is the day they are going to get their dragons. The berk bout docked at the edge. "Welcome to dragons edge my name is Hannah and this is my boyfriend Aron," said Hannah. Hiccup tells Hannah and Aron to go to the edge to help heather. And yes you heard it right Aron and Hannah are dating funny story but for another time.

"Uh, fishlegs what we doing here you said we are going on a vacation," asked snoutlout confused. "Well, snoutlout we asked fishlegs to bring you here because we need your help into a war that is coming" explained Aron. "But why us," asked ruffnut confused. "Well you are the only one that my brother could think of and also there is another reason but we will tell you later," said Hannah. From her brother, she knew about how snotlout treat her poor brother and trust me when I say she wants to punch him hard. "Okay, you guys go rest for now. Tomorrow we have to start training" said Aron sensing her anger. "Training of what," say snotlout. "You will ride dragons," said Aron with a smirk in the way of his girlfriend.

While in the future:

"Things aren't good the last I know that they found some pieces of Gunnar and that is not good," said Douxie as Jim and claire was calling him video call. "What about hiccup and astrid are things are better with them" "no things aren't good Drago has more dragons." Said claire. "Hiccup try to put a plan so we can defend it." Said Jim worriedly. "How about our way to the past" asked topy as he enters. "I and claire could move you guys but it will make us exhausted to move all of us with our things," said Jim. "What about krel he could help right," asked Archie. "I can make one but that will take a lot of time" answers krel. "You could make the door and nary will open a portal am I right," asked Steve. "Totally," said douxie excited. "But what if arcane order finds out," asked Archie. "I and claire will come from our portal so we can close it," said Jim. "We only need to know what is the plan that hiccup is gonna put." Said douxie. "We will bring him and astrid after next week," said claire.

Back at time with hiccup and astrid:

"Hey m'lady why aren't you asleep" asked hiccup as he found astrid not asleep. "Nothing just thinking" she answered. "About what," he asked. "What if berk makes us return them," she said. "I don't want to return" hiccup looked at her and smiled sadly. Berk has brought to the pain since their mother's where taken by cloudjumber. And the idea of them returning is just well it make them nervous. "Oh m'lady comes," said hiccup as he opens his arms. As if it's on cue astrid immediately snuggled closer to his chest inhaling his scent deeply.

Astrid hofferson is a warrior through and through. She is so confident about herself. And she never let anyone or anything take her down. But she also has a soft side. This side is only available for hiccup. "Don't worry m'lady nothing bad will happen and if it happens I will be with you okay?" he said while playing with her hair. "Okay. I love you hiccup" she said her voice is muffled but hiccup hears it loud and clearly. "I love you to m'lady," he said. "Let's go to sleep we need it," he said and brought her to the bed.

Time skip after one week:

It's been week since fishlegs, snoutlout, tuffnut and ruffnut come to dragon's edge. Everyone of them get a dragon. Fishlegs get a gronkl named meatlug; snoutlout get a monstrous nightmare named hookfang; tuffnut and ruffnut get a zippleback named barf and belch. They still didn't know about hiccup and astrid or hannah and aron. But today a lot of things will changed.

Hiccup and astrid return from their little visit from the king. "Finally you two come" said hannah as she run to hug her brother and future-sister-in-law. "Yeah did any trouble happened while we are out" asked astrid. "Nope" she said. "But we have some guests" said aron as he go and greet them. "Great let's go m'lady" said hiccup while taking astrid hands and walk to the clubhouse without their helmets. When the teens saw them their jaw dropped "hey guys" said hiccup and astrid when they enter the clubhouse. Then....

And cliffhanger *dodge some axes and swords* okay okay sorry about not updating but as I say on my massge board I got struggled in righting anything so yeah. Anyway the next chapter shouldn't take long. So see you guys later.

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