chapter five

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Hiccup and astrid were at the cove get ready to run away. But when they were get ready they met with a very angry parents. Hiccup and astrid looked at each other. They don't know what to do.

" what you two doing here " asked a very angry harold " we running away that's not our place " said astrid " and why that. " asked stoick " because this is not our home we belong with the dragons we rule them protect them. And nothing will stop us from doing what we distint to do " said hiccup as he got on toothless. Astrid was about to get in stormfly but her father said " astrid rose hofferson what are you doing be a runt like him a weak " he said disappointing in his daughter. " his not a runt he don't like violence like the rest of berk and he definitely not weak " she said and got on stormfly and go away. " don't search for us you two brought enough pain for us stay away " said hiccup and fly with astrid.

" hiccup where are we going " astrid asked after some minutes of flying away from berk. " we fly out of the archipelago find an island to call home and then we go to stop the raids " said hiccup. astrid nodded and they fly.

After hours and hours of flying they go to island that lookes good to be their home hiccup and astrid go around the island to make sure that it's good to call it home .

" I think that it's good " they say in the same time " well then we don't have to vote " said hiccup. " yeah " she said. They set a camp and go to sleep tomorrow they will start to built a small hut for them and then go to end the raids.

Back at berk:

The two fathers were angry no they were furious. Their kids ran away with the enemies and they are their prince and princess. How. And the last thing they know from them that they caused them enough pain. Them ? " what we will do now " said harold " go to village and send a search parties for them if they get nothing then they are dead " said stoick . Harlod nodded in agreement. But a deep sound inside them said that they were right I mean they forced them to end their friendship. Forced them in dragon training. They made there life hell.

But because the vikings are so stubborn they push that sound away. Refused even to think about it.

They go back to the village and tell them everything and send a search party they will search in the seas for one month if they don't find anything they will considered dead.

After one month of searching in the seas the search parties return with nothing.d

After week their furnual was ready one for Astrid and one for hiccup. A lot of arrow through to astrid bout while a few through to hiccup's bout.

But what they didn't know that hiccup and astrid was watching them. They waited tell the raid to know why the dragons raid berk. And stop it. Once and for all.

Sorry if it's short I promise the next will be longer.

In that together: Hiccstrid run awayWhere stories live. Discover now