Chapter twenty-six

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Hiccup and Aron had been fighting Drago while Astrid and Hannah try to distract the bewilderbeast with the help of Yasmin. "You will never win like your father when I burned him alive" said Drago making the blood boil in Hiccups veins. He kept on fighting with the backup of Aron.

While with Jim he kept on fighting Gunnar but it was harder as he was a human now. "You can't win this time trollhunter. Soon you well be my lunch" said Gunner. "I would like seeing you like this. CLAIRE NOW" said Jim and Claire appear from on of her shadow portals. Jim start moving with his own shadow portals with Claire making Gunnar confused and can't fight. Soon they attempt to kill him. "I told you that what Angorrot said" said Jim as they finally killed Gunnar for the second time.

Back with Hiccup and Aron. Hiccup was about to kill Drago but he ducked the sword and was about to kill Hiccup. But thankfully Aron come in the perfect time. "Hey fight someone with a weapon like you" said Aron as he fight him. Hiccup got his dagger and while drago was busy fighting Aron he got the dagger and killed him. Drago from the shock and the pain fell from the bwliderbeast.

At the ship with Aja. She was trying to find Morando and far enough she found him. She tried to slowly walk towerd him and kill him but he saw her and they start fighting.

"Shot at the dragon you idiots" said Yasmin for stoick as he tried to shot somewhere else. "Watch your mouth little girl" said Stoick. "I'm your leader so I can say, do what I want and you have to obey got it now do what I told you" said Yasmin as she wacked stoick with her axe.

As for hannah and Astrid they found the bwliderbeast losing balance. "That's our cue to free the dragons. Said Astrid. Hannah nodded and headed towards the dragons ( the other dragons) "your majestie" said the dragons as they bowed. "Okay guys come on go and shot at the bwliderbeast fast" said Hannah as all the dragons fly. "Go and free our dragons I will lead them." Said Hannah as she transferred into light fury.

Hiccup and Astrid tried to get back the dragons. And soon enough hiccup goes to fight the bewilderbeast with all the other dragons.

After the battle: (Aja and Douxi killed morando and  the arcane order)

Hiccup landed on the ground and raced to check on Astrid, Hannah and the rest of the team. Same as Jim.

When they finished they saw a skrel landing with a brown haired boy when he reached the land Aaron goes to meet him.

"Thanks for coming bro." Said Aaron as he and the boy make their handshake. "No problem it's my job Where's the dragons" said the boy.

"And who is that boy" asked Stoick as always have to make his presence known. "Hi sir you must be Stoick the chief of this place I'm Noah the healer for the defenders of the wings island here to make sure all the dragons are in good health and take them to their island now if you excuse me I have work to do" said Noah. And Walked away.

Aaron take Noah to the place where they kept the dragons. While yasmin collects her weapons with Hannah. Hiccup and jim talking about something and basically the rest getting ready to leave at sunset.

At the great hall where jim and Hiccup were talking about something Stoick comed to talk to Hiccup.

"Hiccup!" Said Stoick.

"Yes stoick" replied Hiccup.

You think I forget about this account. No in your dreams I was just busy with school and exams and didn't get time to write anything anyway be tuned for the next chapter. Hope you all have a great day

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