Chapter twenty

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Hiccup, Astrid, Hannah, and Aron wake up, feed the dragons, eat breakfast, and now they are flying toward berk again. They landed on the square like yesterday. When the viking saw them they goes and call their chief. "We are here to know your answer" said Aron. "We agree to allie our self with you" said Stoick. "Good I will take some people to train them to fight in the air as for the rest of you someone will come and train you" Astrid said fourtanly no one recognized her voice because of the helmet. "We are Vikings we know how to fight" said Spitlout. "We know but we don't trust your ability of fighting so we are taking our protections" said Aron. "Hannah could you go and get yasmin" asked hiccup. "Sure" said Hannah as she flied away.

Yasmin is Hannah's best friend. She has a brown hair and brown eyes. She is one of the greatest fighters they know. And have a lot of knowledge and experience on fighting on the air and on the land. So she was the best one to deal with the vikings.

"As for you chief stoick me and you need to sign this treaty so no one betray the other one." Said Hiccup as he and Aron start walking towerd the chief. "And what this treaty goes" asked spitlout.

"As you know viking treaty goes both ways. We offer you protection from Drago bloodvist and his allies while you offer us your help in the battle" said Aron looking at stoick with haters. He still can not believe that him and his father chase hiccup and Astrid away.

"And what do you mean our help in battle" asked Harold. "As you see sir the first battle will start at our island. Next battle will be here so we can join forces with our allies. When the enemies come we want you to fight on the ground while us and some of your tribe will fight from the air" said Hiccup explain the plan without giving anything about the other allies.

"And who says that some of our tribe will find with you" Asked Stoick. "It's in treaty what us your answer we don't have enough time so say fast" said Aron. "Who will fight" asked Gobber. "Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Jorgensen, Tuffnut and Ruffnut Thorstan" said Aron.

Stoick takes time to think about the offer and then says okay "but we need to know your identities first" he said.

"In the right time" said hiccup. As they fly to the sky towerd the cove.

Short chapter this time yeah I was watching the trailer of rise of the titans and I couldn't write anything does anyone is excited. Anyway how do you think stoick will know hiccup and Astrid identity please tell me

In that together: Hiccstrid run awayWhere stories live. Discover now