chapter eighteen

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The morning had come on the dragons edge making everyone wake up. Hiccup and Hannah are at the clubhouse preparing breakfast while talking. "You can't be serious brother I mean out of all islands you could think of it you choose berk!" Said hannah surprised at her brother. You see the reason this two is up in the morning as they aren't too much a morning person is that hiccup was telling her about his plan. "I know but what choice did we have." Said hiccup trying to convince his sister. "But you know stoick. From what you and mom told me he will kill you." She said worried. She may not know her father but she knows what her brother and mother tells her.

As for hiccup he told her all the good things he did to him before Valka was taken and how he acted the first months. And also how he treated him after that. All good things and bad things.

Hannah didn't hate her father for driving her brother away from his home or mistreated him. But she was mad like really mad. She and Hiccup didn't hate stoick but they were mad at him.

"I know but trust me we might succeed what is the worest thing that could happen?" Asked Hiccup trying to reason with his sister. As you see the two Haddock siblings having both their parents stubborn. Which means that the two are way too stubborn for their own good. But they are vikings. Even if they don't act like all the vikings they are still a part from the them. Which means stubborning issues aren't something new.

"The worest thing. Oh let me think. Our dragons might be killed, we might be killed, they might give us to drago, the list goes on." Said Hannah. Hiccup sigh she was right about the killing part I mean all of berk hate the dragons. Apart from the teens now. And all of them hate Hiccup. How he could convince them to help him in that. But the only part that she was wrong about was about Drago. Stoick hate drago so much and he also tried to burn him alive. So Stoick would might want to have a revenge.

"You are right but Stoick hate Drago so he might want to take a revenge on what he did to him. So we might have a chance." He said. "What did Drago do to our father hiccup I want to know?" Asked Hannah. She always knows that her father hate Drago and that he did something really bad for Stoick the vast. But what it is? She didn't know.

"He.. he tried to burn him alive" answered hiccup. He saw shocked on her face, them some slight fear, then last thing he saw acceptable. "If it is then you right we might have a chance. But also I still don't trust them so the have two chances with me." Said Hannah finally agreeing on her idiot brother plan.

After about ten minutes the team finally wake up and hiccup and Hannah finally survives the food.

"Okay guys to be clear. The plan is we will try to stop Drago before the Arcane order come. If we can't then we will drag him to berk where the others will get the rest of the villains. Am I clear" said Hiccup telling the team about the plan. "Wait we are going to berk" asked Vangar surprised. "Yes Vangar we are" said Hiccup. "Hannah and Aron I guess it's better if you two stayed here." Said hiccup earning a glare form the couple.

"Are you kidding me no we are coming." Said Aron while Hannah nodded in agreement. Hiccup sigh. He could never win an argument with this two. Not even astrid could.

"Fine you will come. Camille and Vangar you two are one of the great fighters here you will stay to gurd the edge in Case something happen." Said hiccup. "Please foucs" said hiccup knowing what might happen. The two nodded. "As for the rest of us we will go after the breakfast." Said Hiccup.

"And I will stop here thank you very much" said the arthour as known as me hannah while running away.

Hey guys kidding with I am not running. Anyway the dragon riders are going to berk do you think it will be a great idea or a bad one? And what do you think stoick reaction would be? And whether they will agree to Hiccups terms and help him or not? Umm I am not gonna tell you anything all I am gonna do is tells you to wait for the next chapter :))

Don't forget to comment and vote. An tell me what you think will happen in the comments. And also does anyone excited for the trollhunters new movie.

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