chapter ten

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The day where everyone arrived:

Hiccup and Astrid are at the docks with heather and dager talking about something. While Camilla and Camille are with mala help her get ready. Vanger and Edward are helping the wing maiden and the defender of the wings to settle in.

" so you really will tell fishlegs " asked dager. He knew that hiccup and astrid trust fishlegs. And that his sister loved that husky boy. But he can't stop himself from worrying about them. " I guess so, " hiccup said. He really wishes that he could accept them. " I guess so too, " said astrid. She knew that heather loved him. And that him and hiccup were good friends. She really wishes. That everything will go well.

Suddenly light appeared in front of them. From that light comes a couple at their ame age. The boy has black hair and blue eyes. While the girl has brown hair and brown eyes. " Hey guys, are we late for the wedding? " asked the boy. " no jim you are at time " said hiccup ( yes jim and claire are in this fanfiction and jim has a daylight magic and he and claire can open a door for the past )

" Hi guys, we miss you, " said Astrid while hugging claire. " Yeah we do too " said claire. " So any news? " said dager. " yes the wizards found morando and will get him back to life so he can make them go to the past " said jim. " and drago get the idea and start to plan more and hunt a lot of dragons " said heather. " we have to be patient and try to figure out what to do " said claire. " Douxie tries to stop them but I think that there is nothing we can do " said jim. " but for now let's calibrate that guy's wedding " said hiccup. They all laughed and nodded.

After sometimes the horn that says that the guest arrives. First one was a berk. And you can guess who is in this boat. Yes you guess right. It's snotlout and fishlegs. " hi i am snotlout the heir of berk and this fishlegs my friend and the next general of berk " said snotlout. " nice to meet you snotlout. I am chief dager the chief of the berserker island and the king of the defenders of the wings island. This is my sister heather. This is night and sky the leaders of the dragon riders. This is Jim and Claire, our friends from the future. " dager introduces all of them. " so if I may ask why you have friends from the future and why the dragon riders are here " asked fishlegs. " first we are in an upcoming war with some enemies from the future and in our time. And the dragon riders are our friends so please don't harm any dragons " this time heather talked. " okay nice to meet you all " said snotlout and fishlegs.

time skip after the wedding:  

" bye brother hope to see you soon " heather said goodbye to her brother as he was going to have his honeymoon. " bye sis I will see you soon " he said and waved to her from top of sluther. " okay we have to go now again congratulations " claire said as she gets ready to open the portal. " bye guys we will see you soon " said jim and open his portal and then claire. Then they disappear. " okay we are going back home see you tomorrow " said astrid. " see you tomorrow sky " as they say that hiccup and astrid and the dragon riders go back to the edge.

" so heather you said you will help me find hiccup and astrid right " said fishlegs. " uh oh right sure but first you have to promise me to keep it a secret " said heather seriously. She almost scared fishlegs and make him loose his balance.  " I promise " he said . " good go to sleep we well go to them tomorrow " she said and walked to her hut. " oh okay " said fishlegs confused and go to the guest hut to sleep. Poor fishlegs he didn't know what he got himself in. But for sure he will never reject doing it.

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