Chapter twenty-one

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It's been two weeks since the Dragon riders and the berkians sign the treaty. Hiccup and Astrid left the two days after they sign the treaty. While Yasmin, Hannah's bestfriend take care of the training the berkians. As for Hannah and Aron the two stays at berk but they didn't talk to them. Valka and Ingrid at the ice cave to protect it in any cost. As for Camille and Vangar, the two is staying at the dragons edge to protect her. And lastly Camilla and Edward at the outcasts to help the preparation.

Now hiccup and Astrid is at ice cave talking to the king, the ice cave have been relocated so Drago didn't know where it is.

"So you say that we could control dragons too" asked Astrid as she was in her dragon form. A deadly nadder, while hiccup is a night fury.

"Yes princess, you two are the next in line to protect and rule the dragons world and since you have unlocked all your powers you have to unlock this one too" said The old king. "But what if there is another Alfa wouldn't it mean that they will take control" asked Hiccup.

"No prince, the legend says when the king that role before the hebrides die the older prince and princess role after him, which means that even if there is another one you two are going to rule after me. No matter what" explain the king. Hiccup looked like he was deep in though.

"What's wrong Babe" asked astrid. "What if Drago knows about our powers" asked hiccup. "We will be in great danger not only you and me Astrid but also Hannah and Aron."

"True but they didn't know our identities I am sure that he will just try to find another Alfa" said Astrid ressuring. Hiccup smiled at her.

The two motun their dragons and fly towerd berk. While they fly they saw an armada sailing towerd the edge. They looked at each other worry and fly as fast as they can towerd berk.

When they reached berk they landed on the arena where everyone was training. "We need to fly towerd the edge right now." Said Hiccup as they land. Astrid send terror mails to the rest of the team.

"Why what happens" asked Snotlout. "Drago is saling towerd the edge." Said Astrid. "Snot, fish, and the twins you will come with us Hannah and Aron you too, Yasmin could you stay here and be in charge to make sure the plan go as it spoused to do" said hiccup everyone go to do what they are spoused to do.

Again short chapter I am so sorry I promise the next chapter will be little longer. Anyway hope you have a great day. Please vote and comment.

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