chapter sixteen

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Morning came over the dragons edge. And with that it was the time for hiccup and astrid to get up. Heather already got up a while ago since she has the cooking duty when she came. Cause Astrid is absolutely a bad cooker but she start to learn but still the didn't allow her to do the cooking. While camilla and camille could burn the clubhouse. So hannah was the one who took the cooking duty along with hiccup since they are the only ones that could cook on the inter island. But when heather is here she is the one who took the duty since she is the best cooker the dragon rider knows. So now she is cooking the breakfast. After she finished. Came camille. Camille and vanger The two of them dating from the day heather locked them in one room. Camilla and Edward were able to get out. While hiccup and astrid got together after astrid was cured from blindness. Long story short she got stuck into a storm and lightning bolt come in front of her. She lost her sight but the healer of the beserker island was able to get her sight back. And from this point she and hiccup start dating. While camilla and Edward was able to get out of the hut when heather locked them up. After two weeks they found out that they are dating. So everyone has someone. Well everyone except heather. But with last night the girls are going to tease her until no end.

And speaking of last night. Heather may not admit it. But last night was amazing. She and fishlegs talked about different things from dragons to weapons to hiccup and Astrid until she found herself next day sleeping next to him and wrapped into his arms. Thank thor that fishlegs was heavily sleeper. So she was able to get un warped to go and preaper the breakfast.

Lost in her thoughts. She didn't notice camille standing next to her. Looking at her with smirk on her face. She knew what her raven hair friend. From the dreamy smile on her face that she was seeing since she entered the clubhouse was enough to tell her that she was thinking about the husky blond boy that goes by the name fishlegs.

Finally deciding to end that silence and start to tease her friend a little. "I guess you had fun yesterday right heather." Said camille with smirk. "What!? No no! What are you talking about?!" Said heather while laughing awkwardly. "Anyway where is vanger" asked heather. "He is sleeping" answered camille. "And why you aren't with him" asked heather smirking. "Because I want to know what happened with the new love birds" answerd camille with smirk. And it only grow bigger when she saw her blush.

"Not now where hiccup and astrid they should be up by now?" Asked heather trying to change the subject. But at the same time she is not wrong. Hiccup and astrid were supposed to go to the future today to discuss the plans and make sure that it will work before they tell them what is the next move. "We are here." Said astrid as she and hiccup entered the clubhouse. "Sorry. We late" said hiccup when he sits.

Eventually everyone start to come even the Berkians. Everyone eats their food. Then a light came from behind snotlout. Everyone notice it except snotlout. Jim made a sign to everyone to not talk. Then he puts his hands on snotlout shoulders startled him. Everyone brust into fits of laughter.

"Hey guys want breakfast" asked heather as jim and claire sit on the table. "Nope thanks heather but we should get going" said jim. "While they get ready. Tell me are you guys really take revenge from heather?" Asked claire looking at the girls while heather blush. "Wait she did that to you too?" Asked tuffnut surprised. "Nope" the two of them said.

While the girls talks about what happened. Hiccup and Astrid goes to change their outfits. Hiccup wear a black Jeans an white snickers and dark red sweatshirt.  While Astrid wears dark blue jeans an white snickers and ocen blue sweatshirt and the necklace that hiccup made to her at their one year anniversary last year. It was a beautiful silver necklace with a circle of two shapes that if you focus will find that it's toothless and stormfly. And inside the circle the dragons made is a dragon half deadly Nadder half night fury. And that is a deadly fury. Stormfly represents Astrid while toothless represents hiccup. And the deadly fury represents their kids in the future. The necklace is so beautiful but at the same time simple. That's why she wears it a lot. And today she decided to wear it.

Hiccup and astrid walks back to the clubhouse and saw the Berkians stare at them. "Um what are you guys wearing?" Asked tuffnut. "Well tuff this is modern outfits we wear like this so no one suspects us while we are at the future" answers hiccup. Jim and claire open the portal for the future. Hiccup and astrid walk through it then jim and claire and finds them in aja and krel house.

When aja returned to Akreduon-5 she ordered to built another ship like the mother. And send it to her brother back at the earth. But now she come back and left Zadra and varvatos at charge.

"Hey guys long time no see" said steve as he attempted to hug astrid which a glare from the two couples stop him. "Hey guys nice to see you again. I see the house is a bit different krel" said astrid. "Well we decided to change to location and the shape of the house" said aja and goes to hug astrid. "Anyway anybody wants to drink something" asked darci. She was here to spend time with toby and also to help them in anything but she will not stand in their way.

They all sit down and start to talk about the next move.

Hey guys. Next chapter will be about the plan. Can't believe that we almost finish this book. Anyway be await for the next chapter it shouldn't take long.

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