Chapter twenty-four

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The trollhunters finally arrived at berk just before drago attack. "Yasmin Attack now" shouted Hannah at her best friend. Yasmin nodded and start to give orders to attack.

"Spitlout the dragons no harm" she shouted at the big muscler more like fats man. Spitlout nodded and start to attack the dragons with net. The womens take the dragons to the other side if the island. While the men catch more dragons soon the voice of nadder and tiphomaring could be heard. Hannah looked up and looked relieved that they where good. But that feeling didn't stay Long as she find skrel try to catch them. Hannah looked up at horror before she rides Aja flying bored (idk what it called so bare with me) she started to through fire balls making the two Hofferson siblings to notice it. Fast Aron put the berkians on the ground and then fly to help his love. But in the middle he met his sister. "Lead the berkians I will fight with hannah" said Astrid. "But Astrid" said Aron. "Go you better at leading than me" said Astrid as she fly to help Hannah fighting skrel.

"Start to through fire balls at the large dragon now" shouted Yasmin at the berkians. "Krel and douxi what should we do" asked Aron. "Help me with this thing it will stop their magic" said Krel trying to make the device work. "Wont it stop our magic too" asked Aron. "No it will not" said Krel as he finally put the device to work.

"DRAGON MASTER" shouted Drago. Aron saw four dragons that belongs to his sister and soon-in-laws-siblings. Aron turned into a deadly nadder and fly towerd him. "Drago what do you want" said Aron. "Where is the older dragon master not well enough after my little attack" said drago laughing at his own joke. "Doesn't matter what do you want" asked Aron. "A revenge for taking my daughters away from me" said Drago. "Never not after what you did to them. Do you really think that we will let you have them after what you did killing their mother just cause she was healing the dragons abuse those poor girls for your fun NEVER" said Aron. Then he start to attack him.

"Young prince don't let me control you" said the bewilderbeast. "You can't your a traitor" said Aron the dragon.

After sometime mornado come with a ship and start to attack the berkians.

"Attack on the flying ship fast" said Yasmin trying to protect Aron. "We still need to catch dragons." Said Stoick and still catch dragons. "Now here little piece of a shit I am here the leader we take this place to help in the war and I am the leader of this place until we finish so your stupid title of a chief will not do you good so do as I say get it good" said Yasmin. "No fire on the ship" she order. Cause of her anger they did as they told.

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