chapter six

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Hiccup and astrid return to berk after run away for one month. They have found an island to call home. They build a hut to sleep in it. And they return to berk to find out two things. First: berk considered them dead. The second you will find out later.

They fly up berk watch their funeral. They prepare two bouts. One for astrid and one for hiccup.

The bout of astrid was decorated with flowers axes and shields every one but something in it. While the bout of hiccup was just a regular bout not so decorated it just have two shields and three daggers.

Astrid felt bad for hiccup. He never has something no one cares about him no one knows the truth of him. They just know one thing about him. He is the runt of the village.

After the fortune was over the raid started.

Time skip after the raid

After the raid was over hiccup and astrid follow the dragons to an island with a mountain. All the dragons enter the mountain and they follow them. But what they see shook them. All the dragon didn't eat anything from the food they just drop them in a hole.

But when a gronkle come with nothing. A huge dragon comes out of the hole and eats him. Hiccup and astrid look at each other.

" hiccup what we will do, " astrid asked in a panic . " we get her out of the mountain so I and toothless can take her down," he said try to calm astrid and his self.

She nodded and they start to fire on the queen. All the dragon get out of the mountain as fast as they can. The queen starts to get out of the mountain so toothless and stormfly get them out of the mountain.

The queen gets out of the mountain. Astrid starts to fire on her trying to find her weak spot. But they can't. So she just continues to fire on her.

But unfortunately Astrid fall of stormfly. But hiccup catches her in the perfect time and put her on the ground.

" go," she said as she put on the ground. Although she knows that it's dangerous but theirs no other way. Toothless stronger than stormfly. Hiccup the only one who can stop the queen.

Hiccup fly around the queen and notice that she has wings " this thing has wings let's see if she will use it " he said as he saw that the queen has wings. He shouts several times at her until she opens her wings.

Then hiccup and toothless fly up into the sky. Despairing in the clouds. Once he was in the clouds the queen follow him. No one knows what happening all they can see was a purple light at the cloud that means toothless plasma blast. Suddenly the queen shouts everywhere. Toothless tailfin catch fire. Since he lost his tailfin hiccup build him another one. They were landing fast at the land. And the queen behind him. Then toothless turn and shout at her and get out of her way. But unfortunately, hiccup loses his grip on toothless and fall in the fire.

Astrid wants to go after him and save him but she calmed when she see toothless fall after him and catch him in his wings but they fall in the explosion that causes by the queen.

After the explosion astrid went to find hiccup and toothless. She shouted
" HICCUP. TOOTHLESS " she was searching everywhere to the offspring of lighting and death itself. And her best friend since birth.

Suddenly, she found something black. When she reached it she found toothless and hiccup in his arms. She hurried to check if he is dead or alive. She put her ears on his chest and hear his heartbeat. She sighs in relief. Happy that she didn't lose her best friend.

She climbed on stormfly and put hiccup in front of her. While toothless lift by a monster nightmare. And they fly to their island. So astrid can heal hiccup injuries.

In that together: Hiccstrid run awayWhere stories live. Discover now