chapter seven

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This set 4 years after the last chapter. They are all 19

It's been 4 years since hiccup and astrid run away from berk and build the dragon edge. A lot of things happen since then.

They stopped the raids. And build the dragons edge. And made a lot of friends. Also made a lot of enemies.

And that brings us to here. " Camille and Camilla the ships on the south side " astrid shouted to the two sisters Camille and Camilla. With their monsters nightmares. Lightning bolt. And blood blot. Camille has brown hair and brown eyes. And she is a mace girl. Camilla has dark brown hair. And a brown eyes like her big sister. Camille dragon call blood fire. While Camilla dragon calls lightning bolt.

" got it " shouted Camille. " ami sister," said Camilla.  " dager and heather middle with me," said hiccup. Dager has a triple strike sluther. He has red hair. While his sister heather has black hair and green eyes. She has a razorwip windsheer.

" vanger and Walt west with astrid " hiccup shouted to the two men. Vanger has a stormcutter named lightning dust. He's a tall and smart guy. He has black hair and light green eyes. While Walt has gronkle call rocky. He's a short wired guy. He has blond hair and dust eyes.

Everyone gets his place and together they defeated the dragon hunters ship who is lead by Johan.

After they finished they go to the clubhouse to have dinner. Sure three years have changed them. Hiccup and astrid are now bethrold. Thanks for heather, of course, she was the one who pushes them to express their feelings to each other.

After the lovely meal that heather and Camille prepared every one goes to their hut. Camille and Camilla have their hut. Vanger has his own same with Walt. Dager and heather share the same hut. While hiccup and astrid live together.

Everyone goes to sleep to be ready to go to the wing maiden island tomorrow. They have also made a lot of alliance like the outcast; defenders of the wings; wing maiden. Now astrid and hiccup can achieve their roles without any fear.

No one knows the real identity of astrid and hiccup except their friends.

At berk:

Fishlegs pov:

It's been four years since hiccup and astrid die. Everyone thought they die when a dragon catches them. But no one knows the real reason except us. The chief and Mr hofferson tell us that they are the dragon prince and Princess.

A lot of things has changed since they left. The raids have stopped. The weapons had been cracking a lot since hiccup was the one who sharps them. The twins have been less destructive. Snoutlout never changes. He still the same mounhead he is. He is the hair now. Wow, I can't imagine what will happen when he is chief. The dragon training has stopped for two years. This year we will complete it. Everyone is so excited to know who will be chosen. Now we are all going to the great hall to eat. But before I have to go to the chief. He says he wants me. Hope it's something good. I really hope that hiccup and astrid will someday return or we will see them.

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