chapter twenty-three

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With Hannah and Hiccup:

Hannah lands on the ice cave. Hiccup tried to move from her so she could detransform. Hannah fast returned to a human and helped hiccup inside the cave. "MOM, AUNT INGRID HELP" shouted Hannah as hiccup start to lose power. "Honey what happens" asked Valka as Ingrid take hiccup to the king. "Drago attacked dragons edge. Hiccup and Aron tried to fight him but end up injured but hiccup is worse than Aron" said Hannah as Ingrid and Valka helped hiccup.

"Where the others" asked Ingrid. "They are going to berk to start the next battle" said Hannah. "I have to go to dragons island now" said Hannah but before she could go anywhere the king says. "Young princess I need to have a word with you" Hannah looked at the king and said "of course my king" and then go to talk to him.

At berk:

Drago start to be near berk. "You girl we need to start the fight now or we going to be destroyed we could sink those ships easily right now" said Stoick to Yasmin as she was at charge of the berkians. "Are you idiot Drago has a Dragons army if you shot now this place will be just a decent memory we need to take down the dragons first" said Yasmin. "Then what you are waiting for" asked Harold impatiently. "Those dragons are under the Alfa's control we need to wait for the prince and Princess to come so the dragons could be free from the alfa's control for enough time to catch them." Expland Yasmin for what feel like 100th time.

"And who put you in charge" asked spitlout. "Aron the one who you sign with the treaty so now I am in charge and I order you to go and check everything is in place now go" she shouted and the vikings did as she said.

With Hannah:

"But my king this is dangerous you could get killed" said Hannah looking at the king with horror in her eyes. Since she born he was a father figure to her not only her but for hiccup too. "Yes young princess but I have to do this it's the only one that will take from his power" said the king. "And what if he killed you my king what next" said Hannah. "Your brother and partner will kill him after that I have faith in them" said the king. "Let's make it the last way to kill him okay I have to go now" as she said that she transferred and fly towerd dragons island.

"HANNAH" shouted Krel as he saw Hananh. "Good I found you guys where is jim and claire" she asked as she notices that they are not here. "Still at the future but we have to move fast we saw drago near berk" said Toby. "Okay guys come" she said and changed to typhomrang.

I am gonna stop here for now.

In that together: Hiccstrid run awayWhere stories live. Discover now