Chapter twenty-eight

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One year later:

It's been one year since the war with the arcane order and Drago. Also since berk find out the identity of the dragon princes and princesses. The twins, and snotlout returned to berk as Snotlout is now the heir of berk. Fishlegs stays with the dragon rider as he wanted to be a former dragon rider but Hiccup know that it has something to do with a certain black-haired girl. As for Dager and Mala they had another honeymoon after the war. And believe it or not but Dagur became a dad. They had a baby boy which they wanted to name hiccup after his uncle but hiccup didn't agree cause he is afraid that the boy might get bullied for his name as it mean the youngest or the weakest. And after hiccup mentioned it dagur agreed and decided to name him Oswald after his father.

Hiccup and Astrid actually start thinking about their wedding once they saw their nephew. Which it will be next November as Astrid wanted to have it with the snow. They live now at the sentry but still visit the edge which now become a healing source for all the dragons.

As for Hannah and Aaron. Aaron decided that he will propose to her but the wedding is not set yet. They are living at the edge now but still visit hiccup and Astrid as they are helping them with all the dragon business since after the Alfa died they become the dragons king and queen.

Yasmin and Noah now are betrothed to each other. Which Aaron and Hannah laugh about it so much as both of them didn't know what to give as a gift. At the end they decided not to hibe each other anything but Aaron and Hannah got them a couple bracelets.

As for the team everyone go back to their islands as there are no need for the dragon rider right now. But mostly because most of them want to start a family together.

And the question that you want to ask is what about berk?

Well berk changed 360 degree. After the war berk decided to change so that the lost heir return back. Also so Stoick and Harold could have their wives back and have a relation with their children.

Which once snotlout made sure that it's real he decided to send a tmail to Hiccup and Astrid. Which made them send for Heather to arrange meeting with Stoick and Harold so they could meet. When they find out they were happy to know that they finally got the chance to apologize properly.

"Hiccup, Astrid first we are sorry for everything we have done in the past. Hiccup I have to apologize to you for everything leaving you facing the world at a young age and after losing a mother and never give you the care and love you need. I know that whatever excuse I say will not be enough but I just want you to give me a chance to start again together." Said Stoick apologizing.

"Hiccup I too want to say sorry. I know that my decision of forcing Astrid to end things between her and you. It was very selfish of me and I never think of the consequences that will not just affect her but also you. Astrid I know I have pushed you a lot never made you feel loved and only made you train very hard took away the only think that made you happy. I'm so sorry. I hope you too would give me a chance." Said Harold as the two father apologizes for their kids.

"We might not forgive your past actions but we are for sure are gonna give you a chance at you guys for sure worked for it. As our mothers and siblings it's their choice not ours" said Astrid.

Well let's just say that everything returned back again on a track. Berk and becomes allies with the dragon riders. Hannah and Aaron start to have a relationship with their fathers. While leading the dragons edge. Valka and Ingrid return back to berk. Hiccup and Stoick talked and stoick understand that hiccup doesn't want to lead berk but as now Hannah is at the picture snotlout is out of being chief instead he become general and Hannah is Gonna take lead will it will mostly become Aaron as she is not good with leading but she is definitely in charge.

~The end~

Well not exactly but you got it. I can't believe that this book is finally finished it seems like it is dream i can't believe it. Hope you guys had fun reading this book please tell me your thoughts at this book from the start till now.

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