Chapter 6-13: Apparition Lessons

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Ron got better much faster than expected from the poison. Within a few days, he was up and walking around the castle as if nothing happened. Well, Lavendar was no longer hanging onto his arm for dear life anymore, but no one was complaining about that.

"Ron, are you sure you're okay to go to apparition lessons today?" Delaney asked. All of the sixth years born before a certain date were allowed to go down to Hogsmeade for a few extra apparition lessons before their test in the spring.

Ron, however, seemed to be zoned out. His attention was on a table behind Delaney. Just as Delaney was going to turn back to look at whatever Ron was so focused on, snowflakes began to fall. Odd, seeing as how they were sitting in the Great Hall.

"Stop it, Ron. You're making it snow," Hermione nudged his side to make him focus again.

"Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again," Ron's brows furrowed.

Hermione and Harry shared a look with Delaney. The other two were wondering if they should tell him.

"Um, well, she came to visit you in the hospital. And, you talked. I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation," Hermione beat around the bush.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm bloody thrilled to be short of her. But she seems a bit mad," Ron whispered to them.

"Yes, she does, doesn't she?" Hermione asked as they all turned their attention to Lavender.

"Oh bloody hell, if you two won't tell him then I will," Delaney turned back around. "Ron, the real reason why you broke up with Lavender is because you said Hermione's name when you woke up. Not her's. And I don't want to hear you talking bad about her. Sure, I didn't like the way she acted towards Hermione. But, you're the one that led her on for months just to let the thing she feared most come true."

Ron looked dumbfounded by Delaney's sudden outburst. Harry dropped his head back into his advanced potions book. The same book Delaney and Hermione had told him to get rid of hundreds of times. Hermione didn't seem to show much emotion at the outburst. Though Hermione grew to dislike Lavender, she knew what Delaney said was true.

"Harry," Hermione whispered, drawing Ron and Delaney's attention as well. "It's Katie," she moved her head in the direction of the front of the Great Hall. "Katie Bell."

Harry quickly stood from the table, grabbing his book tight in his hand.

"Harry, please don't do anything stupid while we're gone," Delaney urged, tightly grabbing his wrist before he was able to walk away.

"I won't. Now get going to Hogsmeade before all three of you miss the lesson," Harry nodded, taking his wrist from Delaney's grasp.

Delaney deeply exhaled, knowing Harry was going to do something stupid, and there was nothing they could do to stop him while they were in Hogsmeade. "Well, we best be going. There's no point waiting around here for him to do something stupid."

With this, the three walked out of the Great Hall and began their journey down to Hogsmeade. The weather began to warm, making it a comfortable temperature outside. It felt like a nice change compared to the snow and ice. Though Delaney loved the snow, after Christmas it didn't seem as special.

The apparition lessons went quite well for Hermione and Delaney. Delaney managed to successfully apparate into the small hoop they were supposed to practice with multiple times. Hermione was able to do it three times, but after trying it again found it a bit more difficult. Ron was alongside most of the group with being able to do it once but finding it more difficult to do it a second time.

"I can't believe I just wasted hours of my life just to get nowhere," Ron pouted.

"Ron, I'm sure you'll get it soon. You just need a bit more practice," Delaney said, placing her hand on his back to assure him.

"Yeah? Then why do you and Hermione already have it down?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure you'll get it, Ron," Hermione added, joining in the conversation.

"Hermione, this was our last lesson before our test. Where am I supposed to practice?" Ron's voice raised. He was clearly worried about this test. Delaney could understand why. Apparition was a very dangerous form of transport. Not a lot of witches or wizards used it a lot due to the risk of being splinched.

"Ron, just relax. It's more about focus than it is the execution. Just focus on where you want to go, then it just starts happening. It's much easier than you think. You just have to stop overthinking it," Delaney said assuringly.

"Easier for you to say. You've already done it," Ron mumbled grumpily.

"Okay, whatever," Delaney rolled her eyes as they began walking through the castle. She knew there would be no getting through to him.

As Delaney walked through the castle towards the Gryffindor common room, ignoring Ron's bad mood. She noticed people whispering as they passed.

"Is it just me or do people keep whispering about us?" Hermione asked, her eyebrows pulling together.

"I have an odd feeling it's not about us, but more about the missing person of our group," Delaney whispered back, not taking her eyes off of her gossiping peers.

"Oh, bloody hell, let's go see what he's gotten himself into this time." Ron took a deep breath to prepare himself before entering the common room.

"He's done it this time. Harry's got himself detention for the rest of the year with Snape. Including the day of the Quidditch Cup," Dean said as soon as the other three walked over to him.

"Harry, what have you done?" Delaney's eyes grew wide as she zeroed in on his cowering form.

"I found a spell in the Prince's book, and after you three left Draco walked into the Great Hall-"

"Harry, tell me you didn't," Hermione sighed, already knowing he did.

"I used a spell called Sectum Sempra on him in one of the boy's bathrooms. And, well, he's in the hospital wing," Harry mumbled.

"Harry, I told you not to do anything stupid!" Delaney shouted.

"I know! But I can't change what I did, so we're just going to have to deal with it," Harry's voice raised, his tone bringing his arrogance out.

"You better hope Ginny doesn't-" Ron began.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Ginny shouted from the entrance of the common room.

"And on that note, we're going to leave you here," Delaney nodded awkwardly, patting Harry's shoulder as she walked away with Ron and Hermione. If they knew anything, it was not to interfere with an angry Ginny Weasley.

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