Chapter 5-6: The Lady in Pink

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Delaney awoke with excitement pulsing through her, today she would go back to Hogwarts. Though she was a bit sad that summer was over and she and Fred wouldn't be able to do anything they wanted, she was excited to learn new things this year. She hurried to get dressed and made sure everything was in her trunk before she met everyone downstairs.

"Wow, she made it down here before Ron. So much for prefect," George laughed.

"You two are never going to stop teasing him about that, are you?" Delaney grinned at them.

"Never," Fred and George said in unison as they smirked.

"Well at least you know," she laughed.

"Is everyone ready?" Mrs. Weasley walked to the door where everyone stood.

"It seems as though we're waiting on Ronald," Hermione had a slight chuckle in her voice.

"Ah yes well that's typical. No matter, you all can go ahead outside with your assigned Order member. I'll handle Ron," Mrs. Weasley grinned before beginning the ascent up the stairs. All of the children began making their way outside with an Order member at their side. Hermione with Kingsley, Fred, and George with Mr. Weasley, Ron was supposed to be with his mother, Harry with Mad-Eye, and Delaney and Ginny with Tonks.

Everyone arrived at King's Cross station with plenty of time to spare. Delaney didn't mind, that meant she and Ginny could talk to Tonks more. Delaney admired Tonks. She looked up at her.

"Now, I want both of you to be careful this year," Tonks said as she turned to the girls.

"What, are you our mother now?" Ginny laughed.

"No, but we can use more girls in the Auror office," Tonks winked as she smiled along with Delaney and Ginny.

Delaney then, out of the corner of her eye, saw a small black dog walk into an empty waiting room. She looked to Tonks who gave an agreeing nod and walked into the room just after Harry.

"Ah, Delaney there you are. I was just asking Harry 'what's life without a little bit of risk?" Sirius grinned but it didn't reach his eye.

"I don't want to see you get chucked back into Azkaban," Harry said with a pointed stare.

"I second that," Delaney agreed as she sat down with them.

"Oh don't worry about me. Anyway, I wanted you to have this." Sirius handed Harry a small picture. "The original Order of the Phoenix. Marlene McKinnon was killed two weeks after this was taken. Voldemort wiped out her entire family."

"Seems like he may have missed one," Delaney grinned to mask the wave of somber emotions she always felt when she thought about her mother.

"So he did," Sirius said solemnly before moving on in the blink of an eye. "Frank and Alice Longbottom."

"Neville's parents," Delaney and Harry muttered in unison.

"They suffered a fate worse than death if you ask me" Sirius paused. "It's been fourteen years and still a day goes by, I don't miss your father Harry."

"Do you think there's going to be a war, Sirius?" Harry asked.

"It feels like it did before," Sirius nodded. "Anyway, I suppose you're the young ones now."

"It appears we are. If you'll excuse me I think I'm going to go find Fred and the others," Delaney stood up and quickly walked out of the room. The truth was Delaney began to feel suffocated in that room with them. She couldn't bear it any longer. She had to get out. Why was her father so dismissive when he talked about her mother? She suspected if she hadn't been there the conversation would have carried on just the same. Guilt filled her at the thought.

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