Chapter 4-10: Fred's Date

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"I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I can't wait for a holiday to start," Hermione huffed, dropping her large stack of textbooks on the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. 

"Tell me about it," Delaney groaned. 

"It's so much harder to concentrate when you have this tournament going on. Especially since there are so many new people here this year," Hermione continued.

"At least we only have a few more weeks," Delaney surmised. She usually loved learning, but as Hermione said, it was hard to concentrate with the tournament going on this year. "We need to have a self-care night soon. I still have a few face masks I picked up from my travels abroad."

"We should do that tonight," Hermione said, her eyes however were tracking something in the distance. Delaney could tell she was barely paying attention.

"Hermione?" she asked, waving her hand in front of her face.

Hermione quickly stood from the table, grabbing her books, "I've got to go. But yes, we should do the self-care thing tonight. Bye, Delaney."

Delaney didn't even have time to respond before Hermione was gone. She tried seeing what or who it was that caught her attention but it was too late. That wasn't like Hermione. Delaney turned back towards the table with a shrug, she'd see her later. Besides, Delaney didn't mind the occasional meal by herself. Some people couldn't fathom doing things alone, but Delaney liked it. Of course, she liked being with her friends. But she didn't need them. She didn't need anyone. She was completely self-sufficient and she loved that about herself.


Delaney found herself reading at a small table in one of her favorite corners of the library. It sat nestled near a perfectly positioned window to look out over the Black Lake and the Forbidden Forest.

She'd been studying the potions she'd be learning this year but needed a break. Now, she was lost in the world of her book. It was a love story about a witch traveling through foreign land and time to find a cure for the love of her life. She was currently reading about a past adventure between the two characters where the pair had ridden a dragon to a secret place just the two of them shared. 

"Fancy to find you here."

Delaney looked up from her book to find none other than Fred Weasley himself. A grin pulled on her lips, "I could say the same for you."

"Is it truly that surprising to find me in a library?" He smirked.

Delaney put her bookmark on the page she left off on and closed the book, "Yes, it is actually. What are you doing here?"

"I came to get a book for George," Fred paused, looking rather timid all of the sudden. "I was also hoping to run into you."

Delaney stood, packing her books back in her bag, "I see."

Fred fell into step at her side as she placed her library books back on their shelves, "We have a Hogsmeade visit coming up soon, and well, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"

"Haven't I already been to Hogsmeade with you?"

"I meant together. As a-"

"A date," Delaney finished, stopping in her tracks to face Fred. She forced the thrill of excitement coursing through her to dwindle. She searched his eyes, hoping he was joking, instead he nodded. "I- I'm not sure that's a good idea, Fred."

"Why not?" he followed her steps again through the many twists and turns in the rather large library. "Give me one good reason."

Delaney let out a sigh, turning towards him for a second time, "Because I am one of your brother's best friends. You and I both know how easy it is for Ron to let his temper take hold of him."

"I can handle Ron," he says reassuringly. 

"Say I agree. Let's say we have a great time, and something good does happen. That would be great. But what if one day you decide it isn't enough, and you-" she stopped, releasing a breath because she knew she let her reasoning go too far. She revealed a piece of herself she never wanted anyone to see. But that's what happened with Fred, it was easy to talk to him, easy to let go with him. That's what frightened her most.

His face melted into something sympathetic, "Delaney, I-"

"Delaney, there you are," Hermione's voice interrupted. Delaney welcomed the interruption. She wasn't ready to hear what Fred was going to say. Hermione's arm looped through hers, "I need your help with something."

Delaney offered Fred a kind smile, "We'll talk later."

Hermione led the girls towards the entrance of the library, waiting until they passed the threshold to speak. "I saw you when I walked in. It looked like you needed help."

Delaney looked back to find Fred still standing where she left him. She offered another smile which was met with his own. She turned again, tugging on Hermione's arm, "Thank you."

Even though in the moment, Delaney did not like that she'd partially admitted one of her fears to Fred, the more she thought of it the more she was glad she did it. It wasn't the entirety of the truth, but it was enough to reveal Fred's intentions. And that, perhaps, could be the guide she so desperately wants.

Just like the girls had agreed earlier in the day, they did their self-care night. Each girl took a shower before they put on matching pajama sets. Hermione always insisted that self-care felt better when you were in a matching PJ set. So the pair sat in their room with aromatherapy candles lit in their silk pajamas with face masks on their face. Delaney sat on her bed, clad in her crimson red-silk shorts and top with her hair in a bun and a book in her hand. She chose a lavender face mask to help with stress relief.

"So are we going to talk about earlier?" Hermione asked from the floor where she sat painting her toenails.

"Talk about what?" Delaney asked, peering over her book.

"Whatever it was that had you so tense with Fred in the library."

"Oh," Delaney muttered. "He um- He asked me out."

Hermione's head shot up, a smile gracing her lips, "Really?"

Delaney simply nodded, closing her book before she joined Hermione on the floor. She chose an opal-colored nail polish before she started painting. 

"Why were you so tense then?" 

Delaney froze for a moment, quick to continue her movements before Hermione noticed, "Because I told him no."

"What?" Hermione stopped, lifting her head towards Delaney. "Why?"

"Because he's Ron's brother. It would be wrong," Delaney surmised, hoping her friend would take the bait.

"Delaney, I have seen the way your eyes light up when you see him. Why did you really tell him no?"

Delaney sighed, taking a deep breath, "What if I let myself allow this fantasy to play out and I end up getting burned? Hermione, I have always prided myself on not needing anyone."

"No one needs anyone. What matters is if you want them. As for getting burned, that's just a risk you have to take. But don't deny yourself something because you've already decided how it ends before it even begins," Hermione grabbed Delaney's hand, squeezing it to show she was there.

Hermione may have been right, Delaney knew that deep down, but she wasn't sure if she was ready to believe it. She'd spent so long protecting her heart, she wasn't sure if she was ready to give it to someone. 

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