Chapter 5-16: Christmas At Headquarters

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"Delaney, wake up." She heard Fred whisper in her ear as he gently squeezed her in his arms.

"Hmm?" she asked, her eyes still closed.

"Wake up," he whispered, gently kissing her neck.

"You really know how to wake a girl up, Weasley," she grinned, her hips lightly brushing his as she turned to face him.

"Just you," he grinned, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I like waking up in your arms," Delaney smiled as she met his honey eyes.

"And I like waking up with you in my arms," he smiled back.

"So, are you going to tell me why you're waking me up before the sun even comes up?" She asked, pointing to the dark window.

"Well I know we both like to watch the sunrise on Christmas and I found a way to the roof. So, I thought we could do it together this year."

"Really?" She asked excitement began to fill her voice.

"Yeah, but you better bundle up. It's quite cold out and I don't know how much I can warm you," Fred said, slowly crawling out of bed.

"Well, I already have one jumper on. Say, do you still have that green one I wore over the summer?" She asked, a cheeky grin growing on her face. That was the jumper she had to put on to hide herself from George the first time she and Fred had done anything.

"Don't you have jumpers of your own?" he playfully rolled his eyes, tossing her the green jumper with his initials on it.

"You know you love seeing me in your jumper," she giggled, gently pulling at the hem of her other sweater and lifting it.

"What are you doing?" he asked, turning to her.

"I'm putting on your jumper," she smirked. She knew what it was doing to him.

"I thought the whole point was that you would wear two," he said, a chuckle building in the back of his voice.

"I like the idea of you keeping me warm," she smiled.

His eyebrow cocked up, "Yeah?"

"Mhmm," she grinned, gently biting her lip as she stood on her knees on the bed. She felt Fred's firm hands grab her waist and pull her closer to him. His lips connected to hers in an instant. Her hand wrapped around him to find the back of his head. One of his hands ventured from her waist up to the back of her neck. Electricity bounced between their lips.

That was until George let out a sputtering snore from across the room. They quickly pulled away realizing they had let themselves go a bit far with company in the room.

"Maybe we should head to the roof now." Delaney bit her lip to suppress a giggle.

"I think you're right. Come on," he grabbed hold of her hand and began pulling her out of the room.

She had to fight back her giggles to not wake the entire house, but it reminded her so much of the night at the Yule Ball last year. It seemed crazy at the time but it was at that moment, running through the castle with Fred, that she knew she was in love with him. And it didn't feel like a measly teenage love, it felt more than that.

"It's just up this staircase." Fred pointed to a very narrow set of steps. "I'll go first and then help you up from there."

"Fred Weasley, I better not fall," Delaney muttered, slowly starting to walk up the narrow stairs.

"That's why I'm trying to help you. Now give me your hands. There's a bit of ice up here." Ge held out his arms for her to latch onto. Sure enough, she grabbed onto his hands and ascended the last few steps to be met by ice.

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