After the strike

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Katherine laughed silently, covered her nose and mouth with her hand. She averted her eyes from a very flustered Jack so she didn't laugh. This is a serious matter. Get it together Katherine.

Oh but Jack. He looked so adorable. He was blushing scarlet and seemed to be stumbling over his words as Roosevelt spoke to him.

She couldn't help but chuckle as Roosevelt shook Jack's hand and the look of surprise on his face was priceless. She caught his eye and smiled sweetly.

Jack smiled nervously at her, walking over to her. He stood next to her, his hand brushing against hers. "Thank youse." He whispered, his voice barley audible as Roosevelt and Pulitzer argued in the background.

Katherine reached over and took his hand, lacing their fingers together softly. "You're welcome." She whispered, inching closer to him so her shoulder brushed against his. Somehow this small bit of contact was reassuring for the both of them.

"Mr Kelly, if I may speak to you." Pulitzer said, glaring at the couple, "Alone." He hissed with a pointed glare at his daughter.

Katherine turned to Jack, "I'll be outside." She whispered, squeezing his hand before walking out of the room with Medda and Roosevelt. She sat on a chair outside her fathers office, resting her head in her hands.

"Did I see something going on with you and Jack?" Medda asked with a chuckle as she sat in the chair next to her.

"Maybe." Katherine laughed, blushing slightly.

"He spoke about you a lot when he was staying at the theatre." Medda said, making Katherine blush even more. "And he's never done that about a girl before."

Katherine smiled widely, "Really?"


Katherine looked up as Jack opened the door to the office. She stood up as Jack walked over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "So?"

"Wes won." He said, his face breaking hit in a wide grin.

"We won?"

"Wes won!" Jack shouted, picking her up and wrapping his arms around her waist. He spun her around as Katherine laughed in happiness.

Katherine hugged him tightly as he set her down. She cupped his face and leaned up to kiss him, laughing as he spun her around again.

Jack set her down and hugged her tightly. "Now come on, ya dad needs ta tell the boys." He reached down and took her hand, lacing their fingers together.

Katherine smiled as the warmth in his hand spread to hers. She would never admit it but Jack gave her some kind of comfort that she'd never felt before. "Like this?"

"Like this. I mean, ya father can't do anything." Jack said, kissing her forehead and pulling her out onto the balcony. "Youse wanna tell em?" He asked, leaning her to the front of the balcony.

"You go." Katherine smiled, looking down at the boys who were all staring at her nervously.

"Newsies of New York City!" Jack shouted, squeezing Katherine's hand.

"We won!" She screamed, jumping up and down as the boys shouted. She laughed as the boys began shouting and screaming and hugging him.

Jack laughed and picked her up, spinning her around again. He set her down and kept her tight against his chest, kissing her temple. He ignored the looks Pulitzer shot him and continued to fiddle with her fingers.

He looked over as the boys began to calm down and he smiled at Roosevelt. "And now, I would like ta introduce my own personal pal, Governor Theodore Roosevelt, himself!" He said with a grin, stepping back and blushing slightly as Roosevelt patted his back.

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