I can't do this now

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"I'm sorry. Ise can't do this."

Katherine looked up at Jack, a piece of spaghetti hanging from her mouth. "What?" She mumbled, slurping up the spaghetti. "You ok?" She asked, not noticing the tears in his eyes.

"Ise just can't." Jack said, placing his knife and fork down on the table before grabbing his coat and leaving.

"Jack!" Katherine exclaimed and stood up, ignoring the pitiful looks given to her by the other people at the restaurants. She could feel her eyes filling with tears and she grabbed her purse and coat, slamming some money on the table before leaving.

She raced out of the restaurant, trying to spot Jack in the crowd. "Jack!" She shouted when she spotted his hat in the crowd. She ran quicker, her heels clicking against the cobblestones.

She felt hot tears sting her eyes and she couldn't help as her cheeks flushed in the cold. She groaned when she lost sight of him. She dropped down on a bench and buried her head in her hands.

What had she done to make him leave? Had she messed up? Was there something wrong with her? Was it her last name? The fact she was who she was? Was it her fault?

She stood up and walked towards the Lodging House, tears still streaming down her face. She pushed the door open and walked inside, calling Jack's name.

"Hey Kath!" Crutchie exclaimed cheerily.

"Where's Jack?!" She shouted, not meaning to sound so harsh.

"I don't know. Aren't you meant to be on a date?"

"Yes! He left in the middle of it." She sobbed, dropping to her knees in the hallway of the Lodging House. She buried her head in her hands and cried.

Crutchie's face softened and he stood up, limping over to her. He knelt down beside her and placed a hand on her back. "What happened?"

"He just got up and left." Katherine sobbed, looking up at him. She wrapped her arms around him and cried into his shoulder. "He said he couldn't do this and then left."

Crutchie felt his eyes tearing up and he hugged Katherine tightly. "Jack's not here but I'll help you find him, come on."

Katherine nodded and stood up, helping him up as well. She wiped her eyes, "Was it my fault?" She asked, with tears still streaming down her face.

Crutchie's eye widened and he turned to look at her, "No! God no!" He exclaimed.

"Then why did he leave?"

"I don't know. I'm sorry, I don't know." Crutchie said, giving her a quick hug as they walked through the streets. "We'll find him though, don't worry."

Katherine nodded numbly, "I hope you're right." She whispered, resting her head against his shoulder.


"I'm sorry we couldn't find him Kath." Crutchie said as he helped the sobbing girl into her apartment. He helped her onto the bed and kissed her cheek.

"It's fine, it's probably for the best." Katherine said, laying down on the bed fully clothed. She sniffed and wiped her nose on her bedsheet.

"Youse sure youse'll be ok?" He asked as he pulled the covers over her shoulders.

Katherine nodded, her eyes still red and puffy.

"I'll see youse tomorrow." Crutchie said, patting her shoulder in what he hoped was sympathy.

"Thank you for helping me look Crutchie."

Crutchie nodded and kissed her cheek again, before leaving her apartment. He walked through the dark streets of New York until he got to the Lodging House.

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