Late Night Car Troubles

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"Damn it!" Jack shouted, slamming his hands on the steering wheel. He looked at his left and saw Katherine, still bundled up in blankets.

He took a deep breath before letting it out slowly and putting his foot on the ignition. "Come on. Come on." He muttered, pulling over to the side of the road. He heard a spluttering coming from the engine and stopped the car on the side of the road.

"Hmm, are we home?" Katherine asked when she felt the car stop. She opened her eyes and blinked at Jack tiredly. "Honey?"

"No." He said shortly, unstrapping himself and going to check on the engine. He opened the bonnet and coughed at the smoke that came out of it. "Damn it."

Katherine frowned and stepped out of the car, keeping the blanket wrapped tightly around her shoulders. "What's wrong with it?" She asked, resting her head tiredly against his shoulder.

"I dunno Ace." Jack said gently, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "I ain't good with cars."

"Should we call someone?" She asked, looking out at the deserted motorway next to them. She pulled the blanket tighter around herself, she hated deserted motorways, especially dark ones. She did not want to be part of the first five minutes of a Supernatural episode, thank you very much.

"Yeah, but it might be hard to get reception." Jack said, noticing her shiver. "You ok?" He asked, turning fully to face her and running his hands up and down her arms.

"I don't like the dark, or deserted motorways." She mumbled, resting her forehead against his chest.

"Youse been watching too much Supernatural." Jack said, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"You watch it too." Katherine said, her face squished against his chest. She wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Yes but I don't get scared." He whispered into her ear and pressed kisses along the shell. "Get back in the car, and I'll call someone to help." He said, helping her back into the car.

"Ok, but stay close to me."

Jack laughed and pressed a kiss to her hair. "Of course I will sweetheart." He pulled his phone out and called the car company.

He smiled when she reached up and grabbed his hand nervously. "Nothing's gonna hurt ya." He whispered, tapping his foot and waiting for the car company to answer.

Katherine rested her head against his side and listened to him talking to the car company. She looked up at him when he shoved his phone into his back pocket. "How long?"

"They said four hours, give or take." Jack said, running a hand through her hair when she frowned.

Katherine groaned and wrapped the blanket tighter around her. "I don't like this." She mumbled, looking up and down the motorway.

"I know, Ace. Just stay there." Jack said, shutting her door and walking around to his own door. He slipped inside the car and shut the door.

He lowered his seat and pulled a shaking Katherine onto his lap. He ran his hands through her hair and reached back and grabbed another blanket.

"Can we put some music on? Something to make it not so silent." She begged, resting her head in the crook on his neck.

Jack nodded, connecting his phone to the car Bluetooth and pressing play on the album he knew she liked, Anastasia. He rested his head on top of hers and began to hum the tune to the song playing.

"How long till they get here?" She whispered, her eyes filling with tears as the rain started to batter the car wind shield.

"It's still gonna be four hours Kathy." Jack said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and the other around her waist.

"I don't like it." She whimpered, feeling her heart beat quicken when the wind began to whip the car.

"Just try and get some sleep Ace, ok? Nothing's gonna happen." Jack said.

"Promise?" Katherine asked, feeling herself smile when he started singing along to 'My Petersburg'.

"I promise Kath. Theys gotta go through me ta get ta youse." He whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Please don't joke 'bout that!" She exclaimed, pulling her face away from his neck and glaring at him.

Jack smiled at her and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Nothing's gonna hurt ya." He said. "I'll look after ya."

Katherine nodded and rested her head back against his neck, slowly falling asleep to the sound of his voice.


Katherine jerked awake when she heard a clattering from outside. She looked around for Jack, finding she was in the passenger seat and he was no where to be found. "Jack?" She called, feeling her heart rate spike when she couldn't see him.

She shrugged the blankets of her shoulder and grabbed her phone, sliding it into her back pocket. She got out of the car, shivering when the rain began to soak her hair. "Jack?"

"Heya Ace." Jack said, appearing at the front of the car and making her jump. "The guys here to fix the car." He explained as Katherine walked into his arms.

"At least wake me up before leaving me alone in the car." Katherine mumbled against his chest.

"I'm sorry." He said, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Do you wanna get back in the car or stay out here in the rain?"

Katherine didn't say anything but she pressed herself closer to him, jumping slightly when a car whizzed past on the road.

Jack laughed and led her round the the front of the car, where the man was finishing fixing the engine. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled the hood of her hoodie up, hoping to keep the rain off her hair.

"Ok, it should be fixed now." The service man said, shutting the bonnet. "But if you wouldn't mind starting it to check there's nothing wrong with it."

Jack nodded, walking round to the passenger seat of the car. He helped Katherine into the seat before walking to the drivers seat.

He turned the key and the car spluttered a bit before properly starting. He leaned his head out the window and shouted his thanks. He paid the man and watched him drive off before turning back to Katherine.

"We can go home now." He said, reaching over and gently placing a hand on her knee.

"I wanna get out of these clothes." She mumbled, pulling off her hoodie and wrapping the blanket around herself again.

Jack laughed as he began to drive, "It's gonna be morning by the time we get home." He said, squeezing her knee gently.

"No more leaving my father's late. I don't like driving home in the dark." She said, shuffling closer to him, reaching down and grabbing his hand off her knee.

"I know." Jack said, running a hand through her hair.

"Eyes on the road." Katherine said sharply when he turned to look at her. She kicked her shoes off and pulled her feet up on the seat, resting her head on the window. "Wake me up when we get home."

"Of course Ace. Course."

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