Till midnight

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I meant to post this last night, but I forgot... because i may have drunk too much and i was scrolling through the mishapocalypse on tumblr

Katherine smiled sharply as another man. who was way too old for her, asked her to dance. She shook her head and walked away from him, she wanted to be with Jack, for New Years.

She took a handful of pigs in blankets and stuff them in the pockets of her dress, she didn't care if it got greasy, she needed snacks and couldn't be bothered to keep coming back for one. She looked around the room, her eyes landing on the clock and she yawned.

An hour till midnight.

She walked over to the sofa, eating a pig in blanket as she did so. She sat down, tucking her feet under her and leaning her head against the arm of the sofa. She looked up as Bill and Darcy came to sit next to her.

"Kat, you look extremely bored." Darcy said with a laugh as she pulled out more pigs in blankets.

"I don't want to be here." She said with a small groan, closing her eyes.

"Where would you rather be?" Bill asked, stealing one of her sausages and eating it.

"Anywhere but here." She said as her father walked past. She was still trying to keep her relationship with Jack and her friendship with the boys a secret.


"Like Jacobi's, or my room." Katherine said, kicking off her heels and pulling her feet up under her. She closed her eyes again and listened to the noise of the party.

Forty five minutes till midnight.


"Jack?" Les asked, tugging on the newsies sleeve.


"Is Katherine coming tonight?"

Jack sighed and shook his head. "She has ta be at this party for her father. So I said wes can all celebrate tomorrow." He said, resting his head against the sofa and looking over at the clock Katherine had bought them a month ago.

Thirty minutes till midnight.

He looked up as Race barrelled into the room, holding glasses and what looked like a bottle of champagne. "What the hell? Race?"

"Stole it!" He said proudly, fiddling with his cigar. He grinned and set the bottle on the table, earning groans from the rest of the boys.

"From where?" Davey asked, looking up from the card game he was playing with Crutchie and Specs.

"Jacobi's." Race said with a grin.

"Ya know wes eat there?" Crutchie asked, staring skeptically at the bottle.

"Nah I'm kiddin. I stole it from Pulitzers." Race said with a grin before it fell, "Kath doesn't look too happy."

Jack sighed, "She wanted ta be here, but her father said no." He rested his head back against the couch, he just wanted to spend New Years with Katherine.

"Wes can celebrate with her tomorrow." Albert said before flinging a piece of paper across the room. He laughed before jumping over the couch away from Race.

Jack sighed and looked around the room.

Twenty minutes till midnight.


Katherine groaned as she got off the sofa, Darcy and Bill had fallen asleep five minutes ago, and she was bored out of her mind. She looked around and saw her father chatting with her mother and some family friends.

Fifteen minutes till midnight.

She stood up and walked towards her father. "I'm going to bed." She said, kissing her mother's cheek before walking up to her bedroom.

She sat on her bed and kicked off her heels and grabbed a jacket before slipping on her brown lace up boots. She had ten minutes to get the Lodging House.

She opened her window and slipped outside, making sure she wasn't seen by the people at the party and climbed down the fire escape. She grinned as her feet hit the floor.

Eight minutes till midnight.

Katherine picked up the pace and began to run to the Lodging House. She stopped off in Jacobi's to get some food and biscuits to bring to the boys.

Three minutes till midnight.

She looked up and could see the Lodging House. She could hear them shouting from the other end of the street.

One minute till midnight.

She ran up to the door, almost slipping on the black ice. She raised her hand and knocked on the door, unsure whether the boys had heard her.

Thirty seconds till midnight.

She placed her bag of food on the ground when she heard the boys rustling inside. She heard the lock jingle as the boys began counting down.









The door swung open and Jack smiled at Katherine.


"One." Katherine whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him roughly. She smiled against his lips as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her flush against his chest as the boys cheered in the New Year.

Jack broke the kiss and pulled her inside, grabbing the bag of food. He hugged her tightly once they were inside and kissed her temple. "I thought youse couldn't get away from ya father." He whispered between kisses.

Katherine laughed, "Told him I was going to bed. Happy New Year Jack." She said, kissing him.

"Happy New Year Ace. I love you."

"I love you too." Katherine said, before picking up the bag of food and dragging Jack into the main room of the Lodging House. "Happy New Year boys!" She exclaimed with a laugh.

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