What do you think I am?

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"What kind of animal do you think represents me?" Katherine asked, placing her phone on her stomach and looking up at Jack.

"What?" He stilled his hand that had been absentmindedly stroking her hair and stared at her.

"Look." She said, picking up her phone and showing him the screen. She laughed when he raised an eyebrow.

"I thought youse was readin the news." He said with a small grin before clicking the cat option.

"A cat? Really?" She asked when she saw what he'd picked. "I thought I was more like a wolf." She said with a small grin.

"Well." Jack began as he started fiddling with her hair again, "For one, ya very touchy feely, like cats. And youse can be vicious but youse is also very adorable." He said with a laugh, booping her nose with his index finger.

Katherine laughed and stuck her tongue out at him before continuing with the quiz. They managed not even thirty seconds of silence before she was shoving her phone back in front of his face. "I don't know what my favourite colour is."

Jack laughed and set his phone down. "Youse sound like child." He took her phone from her and looked at the colours. "And how on earth do youse not know what colour is ya favourite?"

Katherine huffed and sat up, leaning against his side. "I never thought about it!" She said, taking her phone back from him and clicking on the pink square.

Jack laughed again and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Why are youse doin this anyways?" He asked as she continued to click different squares on her screen.

"To find out what type of bread I am!" Katherine laughed, resting her head against his shoulder. She laughed as he pulled a face at her.

"Why?" Jack asked, looking at her phone. "Really ciabatta?" He laughed as she screenshotted the results and sent it to the newsboy group chat.

"When will you get married?" She asked, reading out the title of another quiz. She grinned at Jack, "Let's do this one."

"Why am I getting roped into this?" He said with a small smile as he read the first question.

"Because I'm bored." Katherine said, laying back down and resting her head in his lap, facing the ceiling.

"And youse think a quiz is gonna tell youse when wes get married?" Jack asked, placing a hand on her stomach.

"Well no. Maybe. It's fun!" Katherine said, reaching down with one hand and lacing their fingers together on her stomach. "Ok, what season do you want your wedding to be in?"

"Summer." Jack said, running his other hand through her hair. He laughed when she pulled a face. "What?"

"Why summer?" She asked, sticking her tongue out in concentration.

"Because, then wes can have it outside."

"But why?"

"Because I like seein youse in short dresses. And if it's summer, youse can wear a short dress." Jack said with a grin, tracing her stomach with his fingers softly.

Katherine shivered as his fingers ran over her lower stomach. "What is your ideal wedding dress?" She asked, before removing his hand from her stomach and linking their fingers together.

"That one." Jack said, pointing at the long white wedding dress with a slit to the mid thigh.

"I thought you liked me in short dresses." Katherine said with a grin, clicking on the dress Jack had pointed to.

"How many more questions do youse have on this nonsense?" Jack asked as he watched her answer two more questions quickly.

"This is the last one." Katherine said, showing him her phone. "Are you single?" She laughed as Jack pulled a face.

"Obviously youse not." He said with a grin, unlinking their fingers and sliding a hand down towards her waist. He clicked the 'no' button and pulled a face when he saw the answer.

"You won't get married." Katherine said with a laugh when she saw what it read. "Well."

"This quiz is stupid." Jack said with a pout. He leant down and kissed her softly.

Katherine laughed, "It's for fun, silly." She sat up and leant into his side.

"I know that." Jack said with a small grin, turning his head slightly and kissing her temple. He wrapped an arm around her waist and ran his hand up and down her thigh.

"It definitely looks like you do." Katherine said, turning her head towards him and kissing the edge of his jaw softly. "Let's do another one!"

"But theys pointless! And a waste of time!" Jack exclaimed, taking her phone and setting it down on the table. "Wes could be doin much more fun things." He said, turning to face her and running his hands up and down her sides.

Katherine smiled and leaned forward to kiss him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and laughed as he pushed her down to lay on the sofa.

Jack grinned against her lips and wrapped an arm around the small of her back. "See?" He said pulling away softly, "This is much more fun."

Katherine laughed, "But so are Buzzfeed quizzes." She said before kissing him again. She shoved him away from her lightly and sat up, grabbing her phone again.

Jack grumbled, resting his head on her shoulder. He got up and moved to sit on her other side, laying his head in her lap.

Katherine smiled down at him, running her hands gently through his hair. "One more quiz?" She asked, using her best begging voice.

Jack groaned before nodding. "Fine." He said with a small smile.

"What dog are you based off your food choices?" Katherine said with a laugh when Jack pulled a face and buried his head against her stomach. "Oh don't be so sour."

Jack grinned and kissed her stomach. "Fine." He looked back up at her when she showed him her screen.

They finished off the quiz and Katherine couldn't help but laugh at the result Jack got. "A pug." She said, smiling uncontrollably at his face. "Apparently you're a pug."

Jack huffed but smiled up at her. "I'm not a pug." He said, scrunching his nose at her.

"Oh yeah definitely." She said, booping his nose before setting her phone down. "And you're my pug." She grinned, leaning down to kiss him.

Jack laughed, sitting up and hugging her. "And youse is my Ace." He whispered against her lips.

"Sap." She mumbled affectionately.

"But you love me." She grinned.

"That I do Ace. That I do."

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