Single beds and lovely mornings

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Katherine knew that this was going to be a bad idea, but she couldn't bring herself to disagree. She leant against the doorway as Jack began packing his things. "Can't you just sleep on an air mattress?" She asked gently, watching as Jack packed her favourite one of his shirts.

Jack laughed and stood up, walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "It'll just be a week Ace." He said, bending down and kissing her softly.

Katherine pulled away and huffed, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "But that's so far away." She said, fiddling with her engagement ring.

Jack laughed and leant down to hug her tightly. He smiled as Katherine wrapped her arms around his neck and she buried her head against his chest. "It's only for nights."

Katherine pouted and pulled away. She leant up and kissed him, smiling against his lips as he pulled her flush against his chest.

Jack smiled and kissed her deeply, running his hands up and down her back. He broke the kiss to laugh when she wrapped her legs around his waist. He walked backwards towards their bed and fell backwards on it.


Katherine grumbled and turned to her left, and then to her right, and then to her left. She sighed and opened her eyes, looking around her bedroom in the dark.

She reached over and flicked her light on, checking the time on he clock. She had three hours before she had to get to work. She rolled over onto her stomach and buried her head in her pillow.

She groaned before getting out of bed and walking towards her typewriter. There was no point in her trying to sleep without Jack, she knew she wouldn't be able to. She sat down at her typewriter and began to write her next article.


Jack smiled as Katherine walked into the Lodging House. He laughed as she climbing into his arms, resting her head against his chest.

"I don't like this idea." Katherine mumbled tiredly, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"It's just for three more days." Jack said, shifting her so she could lay down on the sofa.

"I don't care." She said with a small smile as Jack began fiddling with her engagement ring, a habit of his.

"Youse still want ta marry me?" Jack asked, running his hand up and down her arm. He smiled as she sat up and sat in his lap.

Katherine smiled brightly and rested her forehead against his. "Course. I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't." She leant forward and kissed him gently.

"Just checkin Ace. Just checkin." Jack said as he broke the kiss.

Katherine buried her head in his neck and held him tightly. She felt her eyes droop and soon she fell asleep.

Jack looked down at her and kissed the top of her head. He looked up as the boys tumbled into the room, using an unsold paper as a ball.

"Is that Kathy?" Crutchie asked as he walked over to sit next to Jack.

"No it's one of Medda's back up dancers." Jack drawled sarcastically, "Course it's Kath."

Crutchie laughed and looked at the couple. "She seems tired." He said, taking the glass of water Davey handed him.

"She ain't been sleepin so good." Jack said, smiling softly as Katherine sighed in her sleep. "Wes been sleepin in separate beds till the wedding."

Race snorted with laughter, "Youse ain't been sleeping together?" He exclaimed loudly, earning a glare from the rest of the boys.

"Pulitzer'll be happy ya hear that." Finch said with a grin.

"He ain't gonna be so happy when he finds out wes'll be doing on our wedding night." Jack said, making the boys laugh.

Katherine grumbled and blinked her eyes open. "You boys are loud." She said groggily, curling into a ball on Jack's lap and quickly falling back asleep.

Jack smiled down at his fiancée and kissed the top of her head gently. "I can't wait till we're married." He said to the boys, who laughed softly.


Katherine smiled as she walked to stand in front of Jack. "Hi." She whispered as he lifted up her veil. Her heart thundered in her chest as she felt the Newsies's eyes on her.

"Hi Ace." Jack whispered, trying not to kiss her. He reached forward and laced their heads together as the priest started talking.

Katherine couldn't stop the tingle that went through her when Jack slipped the gold band on her finger. She smiled as she slipped it on his.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest said.

Jack grinned and pulled Katherine into his arms, dipping her and kissing her deeply.

Katherine smiled and wrapped his arms around his neck. She broke the kiss to laugh when he scooped her into his arms and carried her down the aisle, the newsies following them. "I love you." She whispered as they got into the reception hall.

"I love you too Ace." Jack said, twirling her around before setting her down and kissing her again. He laughed as the rest of the boys ran over to them and hugged them tightly.

"Ya married!" Les shouted from the outside of the hug. He jumped up and down, grinning and laughing.

Katherine laughed as the boys stepped away from them, she stayed close to Jack as he pulled her against his chest. "I love you." She whispered as he ran his hands up and down her sides.

"I love you too." Jack said, bending down slightly and kissing the shell of her ear. He rested her chin on her shoulder as he hugged her from behind.

Katherine wrapped her arms atop his and led him towards their dinner table. She rested her head on his shoulder as Jack sat next to her.


Jack smiled and twirled Katherine around before looking over at the clock. "Wes should get goin." He whispered in her ear, earning a content sigh.

Katherine smiled and nodded, lacing their fingers together. "Let's go then." She said and let out a breathe of excitement.

Jack grinned and pulled her off the dance floor, "Wes leaving." He said to Davey, who nodded.

"Enjoy." He said with a grin.

"Bye guys!" Katherine shouted, waving at the occupants of the ballroom before she was pulled out of the room by an expectant Jack. She laughed as he picked her up and carried her back to the car they'd hired.


Jack laughed as he carried her over the threshold of her apartment. He set her down and pulled her into his arms, kissing her deeply.

Katherine grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck, laughing as his hands ran up and down her wedding dress. "Careful." She whispered as he began to undo her dress.

"I haven't been with youse for a week." Jack whispered, unlacing the corset off her dress and helping her step out of it. He picked her up and carried her to their bedroom.

Katherine laughed as he dropped her on the bed, crawling in next to him. She cupped his cheek and leaned forward, kissing him as he rolled on top of her.

"I love you Ace." Jack whispered as he trailed his kissed from her lips to her neck.

"I love you too Jack. You have no idea how much."

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