Oversized hoodies and snow

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"Katherine, honey, youse have ta get up." Jack said as he shook his girlfriend awake. He knelt on the bed next to her and continued to shake her.

"Too cold." She mumbled from the centre of her blanket burrito. She held onto the corners tighter as Jack tried to pull at them.

"Ace youse have work." Jack said as he picked her up, still wrapped in the blanket burrito. He carried her into the bathroom and set her down in the bath. "If youse don't get out the burrito I will spray youse with water."

Katherine grumbled and stared at him, "No you won't." She said and buried her head back into the burrito.

Jack grinned and grabbed the shower head, turning it on and covering the top of her head with water. He laughed as she screamed and tried to climb out of the burrito. "Youse goin ta work?"

"No, but stop spraying me!" Katherine exclaimed as she struggled out of the burrito and collapsed onto the bathroom floor.

Jack laughed and turned the shower off, setting it back on the hook. "Ace, youse have ta go ta work." He said as he helped her up, kissing her forehead.

"It's too cold. I don't want to have to walk there." She said with a pout, wrapping her arms around herself. She picked the blanket out of the bathtub and dumped it in the sink.

"I can drive youse." Jack said as he hugged her and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her hair.

"But." Katherine said, staring at him before finding no faults in his offer. "Fine." She grumbled, smiling softly as he continued to dry her hair.

"Now get dressed, cos I don't think ya third graders will like it if ya turn up in ya pyjamas." Jack said, kissing her forehead gently.

"I hate it when you're right." Katherine said and kissed him softly. "Now go so I can get changed."

Jack laughed and kissed her again, "Youse need ta be at school in a couple of hours." He said, running a hand through her slightly damp hair.

"So stop distracting me." Katherine grinned and shoved him out of the bathroom.

"Half an hour." Jack said with a waggle of his finger before shutting the bathroom door behind him.


"Kath, youse have ta get out the car."

"I hate teaching." Katherine grumbled as she looked out at the snow that had formed a blanket over the floor. "Especially when it's cold."

Jack laughed and pulled his light blue hoodie over his head. "If I give youse this," He began, laughing at the way her eyes lit up, "Will youse go and teach?" He asked, moving it out of her reach as she made a grab for it.

"Fine." Katherine said with a small smile. "Now give me the hoodie!" She exclaimed, leaning forward and trying to grab it from him.

Jack smiled and pushed her back into her seat before handing her the hoodie. He kissed her temple and smiled as she slipped it in over her pink polka dot blouse.

"Ok, but do I have to go?"

"Yes, yes. Youse do." He said, handing her her coat. "Go, or youse'll be late, and wes don't want that."

Katherine grumbled and leaned forward to kiss him. "I love you." She whispered against his lips.

"I love you too. Now go and wes can have hot chocolate when youse get home." He said, kissing her again before unlocking the car door.

Katherine stuck her tongue out at him before climbing out of the car, cursing slightly when she the cold hit her. She put her coat and turned to look at him one last time.

"Go." Jack said with a smile, blowing her a kiss before shutting the car door and driving away.

"Asshole." Katherine mumbled to herself as she slung her bag over her shoulder and walking into the school.


Jack looked up as the front door opened. He stifled a laugh when a soaking wet Katherine walked through the door, dumping her coat and bag on the floor.

"How'd it go?" He asked as he Katherine pulled off his hoodie and threw over to the corner of the room.

"I hate teachin. And the snow." She mumbled, as she climbed onto the sofa next to him. She rested her head against his neck and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Nope." Jack said softly, pulling a snow covered Katherine onto his lap. "Not on the nice sofa." He whispered, picking her up and walking to the bathroom. He set her down on the counter before turning the bath on.

Katherine smiled and shrugged off her clothes, sitting in her underwear and shivering slightly as she waited for the bath to fill up. "I'm still cold." She said, opening her arms and laughing softly as Jack came over to hug her tightly.

Jack smiled as she wrapped herself around him. He kissed her forehead and rubbed a hand up and down her arms. He pulled away when the bath was full and kissed her forehead again.

"Try and warm up. I'll make dinner." He said, kissing her gently before leaving the bathroom.


"I'm still cold." Katherine said as she walked into the kitchen, her hair wrapped in a hair towel and bundled in towels and blankets.

Jack turned around and saw his Katherine and was unable to contain his laughter. He walked over to her and hugged her tightly. "That's cos youse still in a towel." He said, running his hands up and down her back.

"I'm also hungry." Katherine said, her face smushed against his neck. She pressed herself against his chest and smiled as he kissed her softly.

"Go put some comfy clothes on." He said, pulling away and turning her around in the direction of their bedroom. He watched as Katherine went into the bedroom and he heard rustling as she got changed.

Katherine changed into a pair of jogging bottoms and one of Jack's oversized pyjama shirts. She walked back out into the living room and walked over to hug him tightly.

Jack kissed the top of her head and helped her over to the couch. "Ace, youse want my hoodie?" He asked when he saw her shiver.

Katherine's face lit up and she nodded eagerly. "Yes please!" She grinned as he pulled his hoodie off and slipped it over her head.

"Warmer now?" He asked as he went to grab her the hot chocolate and some biscuits. He sat down next to her on the sofa and held her against him, pulling the blanket over the both of them again.

"Yes thank you." She whispered and kissed him gently before sipping her hot chocolate. She leant into his side as he put a movie on. "I love you Jack. And your hoodies."

Jack laughed and kissed her again, "I love you too Ace. And when youse wear my hoodies."

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