April Fools

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Davey and Crutchie hid out in Katherine's room of the PUlitzer mansion because April Fools at the Lodging House is crazy

Katherine grumbled and blinked her eyes open when she heard an instant rapping on her window. She rolled out of her bed and flung her curtains open, jumping when she saw Crutchie and Davey perched outside.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked as she opened the window and the two climbed inside. "You do know that if my father catches you."

"It's April Fools." Crutchie said before collapsing on her bed.

"And?" Katherine asked, wrapping a robe around herself before putting her hands on her hips.

"It's crazy." Davey said, collapsing down next to Crutchie and placing an arm over his eyes.

"It can't be that bad." Katherine said, moving to sit in the arm chair in the corner of her room.

"Oh no. It is." Crutchie said, sitting up and staring at her.

Katherine raised an eyebrow, "Please, elaborate."

"They nearly burnt the Lodging House down last year. And Elmer ended up with a black eye cos he tried ta prank Jack, and Jack punches him."

"Oh." Katherine said with a laugh. "And you left Les there?" She asked Davey, who still had a hand over his eyes.

"He likes pranks. It's nice for me not to be the centre of attention of them for once."

"Ok, so you both plan to hide out here, instead of at the Lodging House, where here, my father could find and kill you."

"Better than the pranks the boys play."

"But don't they have papers to sell?"

"They prank whilst sellin'. One time, Race took my Crutchie and made one out of papes and gave me that one and Ise fell in the middle of sellin'."

"Oh God." Katherine said, trying to stifle her laughter. "I'm sorry." She said through laughter.

"No youse ain't."

"You're right I'm not I'm sorry Crutch."

Crutchie just chuckled and stuck his tongue out at her. "So, can wes stay here?"

"Yes, but I have to get changed and then go to work so cause any trouble." She said warningly, waggling her fingers at them before grabbing her skirt and blouse and walking into her bathroom, locking the door behind her.


Katherine looked up from her typewriter when her office door swung open. "Hi sweetheart." She said with a laugh when she spotted the pink newsboy cap on his head. "Dare I ask?"

"Race is an ass." Jack grumbled, taking his cap off and throwing it in her trash can.

"Oh honey." She laughed, standing up and hugging him. "Want me to get the stains out?"

Jack nodded against her neck and lifted her off the ground slightly. "Yes please Ace."

"You better not be pranking me." Katherine said as he set her down. She raised an eyebrow as he grinned sheepishly. "What have you done?"

"Nothin'. Ise gotta finish sellin', bye Ace." Jack said, giving her a quick kiss on the lips before scurrying out of her office.

"Jack Kelly!" Katherine shouted, leaning her head out of her office and ignoring the looms she for from her colleagues. "Asshole." She mumbled, walking back into her office and sitting down behind her desk.


"Hey Kath!" Crutchie exclaimed as she walked into the room. He sat up from her bed and hid his laughter.

"Have either of you moved at all?"

"No." Davey said, opening one eye and at laughing at her. "You have something." He said, pointing to her neck.

"What?" She asked, walking into her bathroom and her eyes widened when she saw the black, blue and green stains on her neck.

"It's on ya back as well." Crutchie laughed, earning a tube of lipstick to the stomach from Katherine.

"Kelly!" She shouted, wetting her washcloth and trying to scrub of the ink stains that littered her neck. "I am going to kill him! This is my favourite blouse." She grumbled, stalking out of the bathroom and grabbing a new shirt.

She walked back into the bathroom and changed shirts, soaking her other one in warm water in a hope to remove the stain. "Ohhh I swear." She mumbled as she did up the buttons to her new light pink blouse.

She walked out of the bathroom and Davey and Crutchie were still laughing. "I hate you both." She hissed, grabbing her bag, which had Jack's new dyed pink news cap in it.

"What's? Is that Jack's cap?" Davey asked through laughs.

"Yeah, Race dyed it." Katherine said with a grin. "I was going to dye it back, but I don't think I will."

"Are youse goin' ta the Lodgin House?" Crutchie asked as he got off the bed.

Katherine nodded, "You two want to come? You done hiding here?" She asked as she helped Davey up when he held a hand out. "Ok come on then." She said as the two nodded.


"Jackson Kelly you asshole!" Katherine shouted as she walked into the Lodging House, brandishing his cap and dodging the egg that was thrown at her. "I'm not even gonna ask." She mumbled to Davey and Crutchie, who nodded.

"Hi Kath!" Jack shouted from the kitchen island, his legs crossed and his hands stuck to his shoes. "Youse didn't clean my hat!" He said sadly.

"No I did not, you know why?" She asked, marching over to him.

"Cos I dyed ya neck and blouse with ink?" He asked guilty.

"That is exactly why." Katherine said, grabbing the glue that was on the side of the kitchen counter and rubbing it along his forehead. She placed his hat on his head, making sure it would stay there due to the glue.

Jack groaned and tried to unstick his hands from his shoes. "Race is behind you." He whispered quietly.

Katherine turned sharply and ducked, narrowly missing the whipped cream pie that Race was going to throw at her face. "Ohhh I don't like it here on April Fools. I'm leaving." She said with a smile.

"Oh come on Ace!" Jack exclaimed, and if he could, he would've thrown his hands in the air in frustration.

"Nope, I'll see you all tomorrow when you need help clearing up." She said, kissing Jack softly before breaking away and leaving the Lodging House.

"Woah, hey! Wait up!" Davey said, jogging after her with Crutchie following.

"You two don't trust them not to prank you at night do you?" She asked, turning on her heel and putting her hands on her hips.

"Nope." Crutchie said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Katherine sighed, "Come on then." She said, waiting for them to catch up. "Those boys are crazy. Remind to stay away from the Lodging House on April first."

"Will do."

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